1 | www.apexbt.com Product Data Sheet VSV-G Peptide Cat. No.: A6009 CAS No.: Formula: C57H94N16O19S M.Wt: 1339.52 Synonyms: H-Tyr-Thr-Asp-Ile-Glu-Met-Asn-Arg-Leu-Gly-L ys-OH Target: Tag Peptides Pathway: Storage: Desiccate at -20°C In Vitro Stock Solutions
美国APExBIO中文官网 - VSV-G Peptide
VSV-G蛋白通常用于假型逆转录病毒和慢病毒载体的生物医学研究,可以输送广泛的感兴趣的哺乳动物细胞类型的基因 [1]。 VSIV G蛋白也被用于内膜系统转运的细胞学研究。 免疫电镜显示,VSIV G蛋白可以在不通过囊泡的情况下由顺式高尔基体移动到反式高尔基体,揭示了高尔基转运的膜囊成熟模型 [2]。 1. Cronin J, Zhang XY, Reiser J (2005). "Altering the tropism of lentiviral vectors through pseudotyping".Curr Gene Ther5 (4): 387–98. 2.
Tag Peptides - APExBIO
A6009 VSV-G Peptide. Summary: Peptide sequence-YTDIEMNRLGK ≥134 mg/mL. A6010 X-press Tag Peptide. Summary: Petide sequence-DLYDDDDK ≥99.8 mg/mL. 10 Items . Show. per page. Relate Categories. Specificity. Selective 4 item; Product Catalog. Order Info. How To Order; Safe Shopping; Shipping Policy; Return Policy; About Us;
VSV-G Peptide | A6009 | APExBIO - immunoportal.com
VSV-G Peptide | A6009 | APExBIO. Chimical Properties. Function: Peptide sequence-YTDIEMNRLGK. Purity: 0,9999. Synonyms:H-Tyr-Thr-Asp-Ile-Glu-Met-Asn-Arg-Leu-Gly-Lys …
Catalog No.: A6009 Batch No.: 1 1. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Batch Molecular Formula: C57H94N16O19S Batch Molecular Weight: 1339.52 Purity: >99% Cas No.: N/A 2. ANALYTICAL DATA HPLC: Shows Min 99% purity Mass Spectrum: Consistent with structure 3. Structure Caution - Not Fully Tested • Research Use Only • Not For Human or Veterinary ...
PyTorch中apex的安装方式 - CSDN博客
2024年12月17日 · apex是 NVIDIA 开发的基于PyTorch的混合精度训练加速神器,能够增加运算速度,并且减少显存的占用。 需要注意的是 apex的安装 不能通过 pip install 的方式安装(pip install apex安装的是两个完全不同的库),需要基于Github源码安装。 官方提供的安装方式如下: # if pip >= 23.1 . pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --global-option ="--cpp_ext" --global-option ="--cuda_ext" ./
Sakura Filter A-6009
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26" Wheels | 3 Sizes | Riders 148cm - Apex Bicycles
The Apex A600 mens / boys mountain bike is a 26" wheeled bicycle available in three sizes and suited to riders from 148cm to 178cm in height. Featuring a lightweight alloy frame with internal cable routing for improved shifting. It has wide ratio 7-speed gearing, mechanical disk brakes and a 100mm travel suspension fork
SAKURA A6009 - Air filter cross reference
26 replacement air filters for SAKURA A6009. See cross reference chart for SAKURA A6009 and more than 300.000 other air filters.
Apex A600 (Ladies) FRAME:... - Saint Sports Cycles - Facebook
Apex A600 (Ladies) FRAME: Lightweight alloy frame FORK: Apex 26” with 100mm travel SHIFTERS: L-Two A2 SL-V4007 7-Speed REAR DERAILLEUR: L-Two A2 RD-V4007 7-Speed FRONT DERAILLEUR: QD 35N...