Pelvic organ prolapse in women: Surgical repair of apical ... - UpToDate
2023年3月20日 · Apical prolapse is the descent of uterus, cervix, or vaginal vault. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) affects millions of women; approximately 200,000 inpatient surgical procedures for prolapse are performed annually in the United States .
Guideline No. 413: Surgical Management of Apical Pelvic Organ …
2021年2月3日 · This guideline will benefit patients seeking surgical correction of apical POP by improving counselling on surgical treatment options and possible outcomes. It will also benefit surgical providers by improving their knowledge of various surgical approaches.
Surgical Management of Symptomatic Apical Pelvic Organ
2021年6月1日 · Objective: To systematically review objective and subjective success and complications of apical suspensions for symptomatic uterine or vaginal vault pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Data sources: MEDLINE, CENTRAL, ClinicalTrials.gov, and EMBASE (2002-2019) were searched using multiple terms for apical POP surgeries, including comparative studies ...
Guideline No. 413: Surgical Management of Apical Pelvic Organ …
2021年4月21日 · Objective: To compare success and complication rates of apical suspension procedures for the surgical management of symptomatic uterine or vaginal vault prolapse. Target population: Women with symptomatic uterine or vaginal vault prolapse seeking surgical correction.
Uterine and Apical Prolapse - Uterine and Apical Prolapse
Apical prolapse is descent of the vaginal vault or vaginal cuff after hysterectomy. Symptoms include vaginal pressure and fullness. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment includes reduction, pessaries, and surgery.
Surgery for pelvic organ prolapse - Evidence reviews for surgical ...
Effectiveness of surgery is subdivided into four sections: 1) anterior surgery for POP, 2) apical surgery for POP, 3) posterior surgery for POP, and 4) pairwise comparison of different mesh types for anterior POP surgery.
Chapter 14: Apical Pelvic Organ Prolapse - McGraw Hill Medical
Apical prolapse is the descent of uterus, cervix, or vaginal vault caused by a weakness of the top of the vagina; the vagina begins to invert, just as a sock can be turned inside-out (Figure 14-1). Prolapse development is multifactorial, with vaginal childbirth and increasing body mass index as the most consistent risk factors ( Table 14-1 ).
Safety and Efficacy of Minimally Invasive Sacrospinous Ligament ...
Apical POP is defined as prolapse of the uterus, uterine cervix, or vaginal vault (Figure 1). Apical prolapse is the dominant component in about 20% of patients with POP; however, in most cases, there is a concomitant prolapse of either the anterior (cystocele) and/or the posterior (rectocele) compartments, and in some patients, there is also ...
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP): Surgical Mesh Considerations
2021年8月16日 · Surgical mesh used for treating POP is currently only indicated for abdominal surgeries (open, conventional laparoscopic or robotic assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy) to suspend the top of the...
Total Autologous Fascia Lata Anterior and Apical Pelvic Organ …
2020年3月1日 · Autologous Anterior and Apical Pelvic Organ Prolapse (AAA-POP) repair utilizes a 4 × 14 cm piece of fascia lata harvested through a 3-4-inch upper thigh incision. The graft is reconfigured to provide apical fixation to the sacrospinous ligaments and distal fixation to the obturator fascia.