Approved Pooled Investment Funds - MPFA
Movement of Approved Pooled Investment Funds (APIF) during the last 12 months Approved Pursuant to Section 6(1)(b) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation for the purpose of investment by constituent funds and approved pooled investment funds.
Approved Pooled Investment Funds - MPFA
The pooled investment funds are approved by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) pursuant to section 6 (1) (b) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation for the purpose of investment by constituent funds and …
MPF Fund Platform
Approved Pooled Investment Fund (APIF) A type of investment fund that a Constituent Fund invests into. An APIF can be in form of an insurance policy or a unit trust.
MPF Investment - MPFA
Some CFs invest in approved pooled investment funds (APIFs) which are operated by different investment managers. Transactions between CFs and APIFs are processed on a cleared fund basis. Therefore, it takes time to redeem units from the APIF level to the CF level and re-allocate the subscription from the CF level to the APIF level.
信安強積金計劃(MPF)800系列 | Principal Hong Kong
投資於單位信託核准匯集投資基金(apif),即信安單位信託傘子基金 — 信安65歲後基金,其在《強制性公積金計劃(一般)規例》容許下,投資於兩項或以上的被動或主動方式管理的核准緊貼指數集體投資計劃(itcis)及/或單位信託核准匯集投資基金(apif)。
Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme
Seeks to provide members with stable income (by way of distribution of dividend to members' account which will be reinvested in the Sun Life MPF Income Fund (which in turn invests in the accumulation class of Invesco Pooled Investment Fund – Global Income Fund) or the Sun Life MPF Conservative Fund depending on the member’s age) and capital ...
Haitong International | MPF
The Haitong MPF Retirement Fund (the "Retirement Fund") is a registered mandatory provident fund scheme and offers different Constituent Funds which directly invest in or invest through Approved Pooled Investment Funds in, primarily but not limited to, equity, money market instruments and/or fixed income instruments, each with a different risk ...
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workforce aged between 18 and 65 are required to make contributions to registered MPF schemes. MPF scheme members include full-time and part-time employees who have been employed for 60 days or more, and self-employed persons. FWD MPF Master Trust Basic Scheme (the “Scheme”)
強積金基金平台 - MPFA
投資涉及風險,過往的投資表現並非未來表現的指標。 在作出投資決定時,不應只考慮基金的表現,基金的投資目標、費用及收費、風險程度及服務水平等其他因素亦應予以考慮。 市場上有不同類別的強積金成分基金,計劃成員應按照自己可承受的風險水平從中選取。 對於不諳投資及不願意花時間處理強積金的計劃成員,預設投資策略就是一個值得考慮的方案。 • 僅供一般參考,旨在協助你比較不同的強積金成分基金及計劃,並不能代替相關計劃的受託人或保薦人提供的資料。 …
MPF Fund Platform
There are different types of MPF funds available in the market for scheme members to choose from, according to their risk tolerance level. Scheme members who are unfamiliar with investing or unwilling to spend time to manage their MPF may consider the Default Investment Strategy.
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