Paired Kidney Donation & Transplant | Matching Kidney Donors
The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation (APKD), established in 2006, is a 501c3 with global reach that manages an industry-leading kidney registry powered by a Nobel prize winning algorithm. APKD revolutionized kidney donation by performing the world’s first non-simultaneous altruistic donor chain, and the first international chain.
Team - Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation
Our diverse skill sets and passion for helping people makes us a great fit with APKD. We're a tight-knit group of professionals who love what we do. 419.740.5249
APKD is a 501c3 non-profit founded by renowned kidney transplant surgeon Dr. Michael Rees. Our nationwide registry is empowered by proprietary -oped by Dr. Alvin Roth to match one incompatible pair with another. APKD is one of the leading Paired Kidney Donation registry programs nationally and globally. Kidney patients enrolled with an APKD partner
2024 Year End Letter | Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation
Every transplant facilitated by the Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation (APKD) represents more than the restoration of one life—it symbolizes reunited families, the courage of selfless kidney donors, and the hope given to patients facing uncertain futures.
Medsleuth Partnership | Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation
To bring more value to transplant centers and patients alike, APKD has partnered with MedSleuth. This partnership builds on the strengths of our robust matching programs and the powerful Kidney Matchgrid™ software.
About APKD | Donor Exchange Program, Matching Donors
To help us fulfill this mission, the APKD recruits, educates and engages patients with kidney failure, living kidney donors and healthcare professionals. These outreach efforts play an essential role in helping people understand the extensive opportunities provided through the APKD and the Global Kidney Relief Program.
The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation (APKD) is a 501c3 with global reach that revolutionized kidney donation by performing the world’s first non-simultaneous altruistic donor chain and the first international chain.
What Sets APKD Apart – Our Customer Service | Alliance for Paired ...
Feb 16, 2023 · When someone is matched with a recipient through the APKD program, we cover the cost of any transplant-related expenses for living donors. This includes lost wages and travel-related expenses, such as food, lodging and fuel.
APKD Donor Protection Program: Another Reason to Save a Life
Oct 6, 2022 · Reach out to Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation to learn more about our process and how the Donor Protection Program can provide protection for you as you step up to become a living donor, or read the details of the program to see for yourself how APKD goes above and beyond to protect our donors.
4 Key Features of the APKD Software Program | Alliance for Paired ...
Dec 9, 2022 · As your center evaluates the right program to use for your patients, consider these unique features of the APKD’s KidneyMatch program and app: Strong Security; The security of your data is our top priority. We know our donors and recipients want to know that their information is secure. KidneyMatch offers industry-standard security, including: