Hook and loop tapes | Fasteners and closures for professionals
APLIX has developed a wide range of high-quality and value-added hook and loop fasteners. In addition to traditional textile hook and loop, APLIX offers extruded plastic hook products, soft non-woven products and elastic stretch products.
Hook and loop fastener specialist - Aplix
For more than 60 years, APLIX conceives, produces and commercializes innovative hook and loop fastening systems. Assembling, fixing, joining ... these are the functions of APLIX self-gripping fasteners, fascinating products created in the 1950’s.
Hook and loop tapes | Global presence - Aplix
APLIX is an international group which manufactures hook and loop tapes. Our headquarters is located in France. We operate six production plants in the United States, France, Brazil and China as well as sales offices and agents around the world. We …
Rubans auto-agrippants | Fixations et fermetures pour les ... - Aplix
Leader mondial, APLIX fabrique et commercialise des rubans auto-agrippants innovants depuis 1958. Assembler, fixer, joindre... telles sont les fonctions des attaches auto-agrippantes APLIX. Nos produits constituent une alternative aux méthodes traditionnelles de fixation et de fermeture.
Hook and loop tapes | Fasteners and closures for professional
APLIX conceives, produces and commercializes innovative hook and loop fastening systems. Assembling, fixing, joining... these are the functions of APLIX self-gripping fasteners. Our products are an alternative to traditional fastening and closing methods.
Fixation et fermeture par bandes agrippantes - APLIX
APLIX fabrique des rubans auto-agrippants de type velcro à forte valeur ajoutée pour les marchés professionnels. Nos bandes agrippantes répondent à de nombreux critères d’application : force d'accrochage, longévité jusqu'à 10 000 cycles, résistance au feu, traitement anti-infrarouge, fermeture clipsable...
Soluzioni di fissaggio e chiusure a strappo per professionisti - Aplix
APLIX ha sviluppato un'ampia gamma di chiusure a gancio e ad anello di alta qualità e valore aggiunto. Oltre ai tradizionali ganci e occhielli tessili, APLIX offre prodotti a gancio in plastica estrusa, prodotti in tessuto non tessuto morbido e prodotti elastici elastici.
粘扣件制造领域的专家 | APLIX
经过 65 年的发展,aplix 为专业人士设计、制造和销售高附加值的钩扣系统。 我们是连接、捆绑、组装、粘贴和闭合方面的专家。 我们的产品是传统紧固和闭合方法的替代品。
Fabricant de rubans agrippants | Fixations et fermetures par ... - Aplix
Depuis plus de 60 ans, APLIX fabrique et commercialise des systèmes de fixation ou de fermeture auto-agrippants de type velcro. Assembler, fixer, fermer, réunir à volonté... telles sont les fonctions des rubans agrippants.
Rubans auto-agrippants | L'histoire d' APLIX
Découvrez l'origine du velcro à travers l'histoire d'APLIX, une société familiale qui fabrique des bandes auto-agrippantes pour les professionnels depuis 1958.