株式会社アプリックス - Aplix
アプリックスが持つ「テクノロジーの力」をベースとして、誰もが長く安心・安全、そして便利に使えるサービスやソリューションを提供しております。 <開催中! >オンライン展示会「ITトレンドEXPO2025 Spring」の当社ブースにぜひお越しください. 子会社スマモバに関するお知らせ(モバイルWiFiルーターサービス「THE WiFi」が本日より100GBプランが業界最安値級の実質月額2,392円となる「5周年キャンペーン」を開始! スマートIoT推進フォーラム「IoT …
APLIX,全球性业务集团 | APLIX
aplix是一家国际集团,总部设在法国。 集团在美国、法国、巴西和中国拥有六大生产基地,在世界各地设有多个销售办事处和代理商。 APLIX目前在全球拥有880名员工,创造税收达1.93亿欧元。
Investors Relations|Aplix Corporation
2016年10月17日 · Aplix IP Holdings Announces Consolidated Results for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2015 and Forecast for Fiscal 2016 – Aplix has completed the sale of businesses that it had previously operated and achieved improved results thanks to increased orders for IoT projects and continuous efforts to reduce costs –
粘扣件制造领域的专家 | APLIX
亚太力士(aplix)是一家家族企业,1958 年成立于法国,现已发展壮大并在国际上占有一席之地。经过 65 年的发展,aplix 为专业人士设计、制造和销售高附加值的钩扣系统。 我们是连接、捆绑、组装、粘贴和闭合方面的专家。
汎用型をはじめ、電波受信範囲を抑えた近接域特化型、屋外設置に最適なIP65規格に適合した防水防塵型(難燃性UL94規格にも適合)、携帯に便利なポータブル型など、世界一の豊富なラインナップを取り揃えています。 the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
Aplix IP Holdings Corp - MoneyDJ理財網
Aplix IP Holdings Corp (3727.JP)前身為GAIA Holdings Corporation,成立於1986年,隸屬Aplix Corporation旗下子公司,總部位於日本東京,主要經營軟體開發及提供系統整合方案。 其主要產品為Java平台的嵌入式軟體,該公司還提供以WirelessIDEA為基礎的M2M...
Aplix Corporation (TYO: 3727) Company Profile & Overview
2024年9月27日 · The company was formerly known as Aplix IP Holdings Corporation and changed its name to Aplix Corporation in April 2017. Aplix Corporation was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Company profile for Aplix Corporation (TYO: 3727) with a description, list of executives, contact details and other key facts.
Aplix IP Holdings Corporation Company Profile, Financial
digitGaps report on Aplix IP Holdings Corporation delivers a detailed in-depth and comprehensive insights of the company, its history, corporate strategy, its businesses and structures, and company operations by examining its performance in local market and global economy. digitGaps is presenting this report to you to understand company’s key ...
Aplix Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors, Revenue
2024年10月29日 · Aplix (formerly known as Aplix IP Holdings Corporation) is a company that engages in the technology business. It offers cloud storage, content and document management, IoT data communication, etc. Aplix ¥3.76 b in annual revenue in FY 2023.
Aplix Inc IP addresses, domains and public networks
Aplix Inc IP addresses. Below is a list of the public networks and IP addresses of Aplix Inc. We found 40 addresses in 2 networks operated by this organisation.