Snapmaker J1s | High Speed IDEX 3D Printer - Snapmaker
Snapmaker J1s features independent dual extruder (IDEX), ultra-fast print speed, and innovative IDEX calibration. With cast and machined parts, linear rails, user-friendly IDEX 3D slicer and Touchscreen, J1s is your next go-to desktop IDEX 3D printer.
Snapmaker Artisan - Specs - Snapmaker
PLA, ABS, HIPS, PC, TPU (Hardness > 90 Shore A), TPE, PETG, ASA, PP, PVA, PA, PA-GF, PA-CF
Snapmaker J1 3D打印机测评:理想中的IDEX 3D打印机 - 知乎
Snapmaker以其一贯的创新和设计风格开发了J1,这款IDEX独立双喷头3D打印机不仅可以实现在同一模型上使用两种不同颜色或材料进行打印,还可以同时打印两个相同的零件。 Snapmaker J1引人注目的另一亮点是其惊人的打印速度,高达350mm/s。 此外,J1还具备输入整形、转角优化等功能。 尽管IDEX 3D打印机已经问世一段时间,但市面上的此类机器通常设置较为复杂。 然而,J1通过智能校准简化了这一流程,只需按照屏幕的指示操作,短短10分钟即可完成所有调试 …
Apollo Seiko
Our new all-in-one selective flow technology... The cost effective EF 3040A revolutionizes selective soldering with its patented direct drive motor and impeller design, significantly reducing sludge, dross, and dust. This unique approach enhances soldering quality and minimizes maintenance requirements.
Snapmaker J1/J1s 3D 打印机:使用手册
为了使你更快熟悉机器与 Luban 的作业工作流,并顺利和 J1/J1s 一同完成首件 3D 打印作品,本章节将指引你跟随 Luban 的新手引导程序,使用标配的耗材,制作我们为你的首次体验而量身打造的内置案例。
Snapmaker J1s IDEX 3D Printer with 0.4mm Dual Hot …
2024年12月6日 · 【One-Piece Aluminum Alloy Housing】: Snapmaker J1s is a stable and precise machine, with a one-piece die-cast frame that ensures optimal stability and precision. It produces high-quality output without any wobbling or deformation, making it perfect for any printing project.
Snapmaker J1s Fastest IDEX 3D Printer - Snapmaker US
J1s brings you a top-of-class printing speed of 350 mm/s while ensuring a high resolution of prints. It is made possible by the optimization of the vibration compensation technology. With the maximum acceleration of 10,000 mm/s², you can realize small models packed with …
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Snapmaker J1/J1s 3D 打印机:快速入门指南
请阅读以下内容以完成 J1 的组装。 前往 https://snapmaker.cn 下载并安装我们的切片软件。 使用切片软件对准备好的模型进行切片,生成 G 代码。 将 G 代码文件通过 Wi-Fi 或 U 盘传送至打印机。 4. 在触控屏的主界面上,点击任意空白处,即可选择文件开始打印。
Snapmaker | The Best 3-in-1 3D Printer Manufacturer
东成 攻丝机 J1S-FF-10 - jujingmall.com
产品特点:自动定心,自动正反转切换,扭力强劲,攻丝快速。 专业提供仪器仪表、带电作业用具、电工器材、五金材料、劳保安防用具、应急救援设备等MRO工业品在线采购,正规渠道正品货源,省心省力一站购齐,巨精商城,因为专业所以卓越。