Apollo.lv - Cilvēks ziņās
2 天之前 · Dānija atzinīgi vērtē izmaiņas ASV Grenlandes vizītes plānos. "Man apnicis maksāt veciem vīriešiem par mašīnas labošanu." Sieviešu mehāniķu stāsts. Vai uzskatāt, ka …
Apollo 5 - Wikipedia
Apollo 5 (launched January 22, 1968), also known as AS-204, was the uncrewed first flight of the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) that would later carry astronauts to the surface of the Moon. The …
Apollo 5 - NASA
2024年10月31日 · The Apollo 5 (LM-1/Saturn 204) uncrewed space mission was launched from Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 37 at 5:48:09 p.m. (EST), Jan. 22, 1968. The Lunar …
Saturn V - Wikipedia
The Saturn V[f] is a retired American super heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by NASA under the Apollo program for human exploration of the Moon. The rocket was human-rated, had …
Apollo 5 - NASA
Apollo 5 Multimedia Go To Galleries Go To Galleries Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Space Exploration Vehicle Apollo Soyuz Apollo Lunar Module Agena Target Vehicle …
What Was the Saturn V? (Grades 5-8) - NASA
2010年9月17日 · The first Saturn V launched with a crew was Apollo 8. On this mission, astronauts orbited the moon but did not land. On Apollo 9, the crew tested the Apollo moon …
Apollo 5 - National Air and Space Museum
Similar to Apollo 4 and 6, Apollo 5 was an uncrewed flight with the goal of testing key Apollo Program technology. The primary mission objective for the Apollo 5 mission was to test the …
Looking Closer at the Saturn V - National Air and Space Museum
2018年7月20日 · The crewed Apollo missions were each launched aboard a Saturn V launch vehicle. (The “V” comes from the five F-1 engines that powered the first stage of the rocket.) At …
Saturn V Rockets & Apollo Spacecraft | Space
2018年10月17日 · In July of 1969, a Saturn V launched the crew of Apollo 11 to the first crewed landing on the moon. Saturn V rockets carried six more moon missions into space: Apollos 12 …
The world’s largest and most powerful space launch vehicle, the Apollo Saturn V was designed and built for the specific purpose of sending men to the Moon. Design and construction work …