Apostrophe - Wikipedia
The apostrophe (’, ' ) is a punctuation mark, and sometimes a diacritical mark, in languages that use the Latin alphabet and some other alphabets. In English, the apostrophe is used for three …
Apostrophe (’) - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
Apostrophe (’) - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
Apostrofa – co to jest? Przykłady apostrof, definicja
2021年9月1日 · Apostrofa to figura retoryczna (obok np. metafory, epitetu, hiperboli, oksymoronu). Najprościej rzecz ujmując, jest to bezpośredni zwrot do adresata. Adresatem …
APOSTROPHE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of APOSTROPHE is a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in 'John's book'), or the plural of letters or figures (as in 'the 1960's'). How …
Apostrophe - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The apostrophe (Ↄ, ↄ, ’), also known as the apostrophus, is a letter and punctuation mark used in writing. It is a diacritic (a mark used with letters).. In English, it has two jobs: [1] To show where …
APOSTROPHE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
APOSTROPHE meaning: 1. the symbol ’ used in writing to show when a letter or a number has been left out, as in I'm (= I…. Learn more.
Apostrophe - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used in contractions to replace missing letters. The contraction "we'll" stands for "we will," with the apostrophe replacing "wi." It can also show …
Apostrophes - The Free Dictionary
The Farlex Grammar Book > English Punctuation > Apostrophes Apostrophes What is an apostrophe? An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that primarily serves to indicate either …
Apostrophe - definition of apostrophe by The Free Dictionary
apostrophe An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that primarily serves to indicate either grammatical possession or the contraction of two words. It can also sometimes be used to …
apostrofa - Hrvatska enciklopedija
apostrofa (grč. ἀποστροφή: odvrat), književna figura pri kojoj se govornik odvraća od nazočnih slušatelja i obraća odsutnima: predmetima, pojavama, božanstvima ili preminulim osobama.