Apple II - Wikipedia
The original Apple II has the operating system in ROM along with a BASIC variant called Integer BASIC. Apple eventually released Applesoft BASIC, a more advanced variant of the language which users can run instead of Integer BASIC. The Apple II series eventually supported over 1,500 software programs.
Apple DOS - ArchiveOS
2023年5月1日 · Apple DOS – a disk operating systems (DOS) for the Apple II series of microcomputers developed between 1978 and 1983. The Apple II series is a family of home computers, designed primarily by Steve Wozniak, manufactured by Apple Computer, and launched in 1977 with the original Apple II. DOS 3.1 was the first shipping version of …
List of Apple operating systems - Wikipedia
Prior to the introduction of the Macintosh in early 1984, Apple had several operating systems for the Apple II series, Apple SOS for the Apple III series, and Lisa OS and MacWorks XL for the Apple Lisa series; those were introduced between 1977 and 1983.
Apple II - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Apple II 是 苹果公司 制作的第一种普及的 微型计算机。 它的直系先祖是 Apple I ——一种有限的、以 印刷電路板 组成的电脑。 许多电子玩家基于此电脑创新了许多功能,使Apple II达到 商业 上的成功。 自1977年于 西岸電腦展 (West Coast Computer Faire)首次发布后,Apple II成为一种成功的 个人电脑。 幾种不同的机型先后上市贩售,而最普及的机型一直到1990年代都只有不大的改变。 直至1993年为止,估计共生产了5-6百万部Apple II(包括约125万部Apple II GS) 。 …
Apple II - 1977 - old computers
The Apple II, or Apple ] [, became one of the most popular computers ever. Although it is a vast improvement over the Apple I, it contains the same processor and runs at the same speed. New features include a color display, eight internal expansion slots, and a case with a keyboard.
Apple DOS - Wikipedia
Apple DOS is the disk operating system for the Apple II computers from late 1978 through early 1983. It was superseded by ProDOS in 1983.
GS OS 6.0.2 - Call-A.P.P.L.E.
After 22 years, 2 months, 2 days and 2 hours since System 6.0.1 was released, this is a summary of the visible changes. There have been many bugs fixed and many features added that are not immediately visible–they will enable developers to create better future products.
apple II - 百度百科
Apple II(有时亦写作“Apple 2”)是 苹果公司 制作的第一种普及的 微电脑。 它的直系先祖是 Apple I (一种有限的、以 电路板 组成的电脑)。 许多电子玩家基于此电脑创新了许多功能,使Apple II达到商业上的成功。 自1977年于西岸计算机展(West Coast Computer Faire)首次发表后,Apple II成为一种最先出现且最成功的 个人电脑(在沃兹尼亚克将它推上市场之前,只有一次将其带出过房间:是在计算机展的前一天,沃兹和乔布斯要测试一下,于是把Apple II带到了宾 …
Apple II 系列 - Mac知道
2017年6月18日 · Apple II 系列是美国苹果公司发布的一个系列普及型的电子计算机,相比于它的第一代产品 Apple I 有了很大的改进。 自从 Apple II 在1977年于美国西海岸电脑展(West Coast Computer Faire)首次亮相以来 ...
A2osX Multi-Tasking OS for Apple II - GitHub
2025年1月19日 · A2osX is an operating, programming and execution environment for the 128K Enhanced Apple //e and Apple //gs series of computers. While layered atop of ProDOS, taking advantage of all ProDOS block devices and MLI calls; A2osX is …
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