Macintosh XL - Wikipedia
Macintosh XL is a modified version of the Apple Lisa personal computer made by Apple Computer. In the Macintosh XL configuration, the computer shipped with MacWorks XL, a Lisa program that allowed 64 K Macintosh ROM emulation. An identical machine was previously sold as Lisa 2/10 with the Lisa OS only.
Apple Macintosh XL Specs - EveryMac.com
The Apple Macintosh XL features a 5 MHz 68000 processor, 1 MB of RAM, a 400k disk drive, and the option of a 10 MB hard drive in a huge, 48-pound, beige all-in-one case with a 12" monochrome display. For all practical purposes, the Macintosh XL is basically a reincarnation of the Apple Lisa, the poor-selling predecessor of the Macintosh, with ...
Macintosh XL: Technical Specifications - Apple Support
Notes: Screen size is 720x364, 608x431 with Screen Kit.
MacWorks XL - Wikipedia
MacWorks XL is an Apple Lisa computer program which shipped with the Macintosh XL. It allows 64K Apple Macintosh ROM emulation so the Macintosh XL can run classic Mac OS programs.
一场革命性的失败——浅谈命运多舛的Apple Lisa和Lisa OS - 知乎
最终,Lisa系列的最后一款产品Lisa 2/10被更名为Macintosh XL,成为了Macintosh 系列的高端产品。 但Lisa项目所产生的遗产被用于后续的Classic Mac OS 中,并被用于试图将MacOS现代化的Pink项目中:
Lisa/Lisa 2/Mac XL - 百度百科
In January 1985, the Lisa 2/10 was renamed the Macintosh XL, and outfitted with MacWorks, an emulator that allowed the Lisa to run the Mac OS. The XL was discontinued later that year. …
Macintosh XL | Apple Wiki | Fandom
The Macintosh XL was a modified version of the Apple Lisa personal computer that was released by Apple Computer on January 1, 1985. In the Macintosh XL configuration, the computer shipped with MacWorks XL, a Lisa program that allowed 64K Macintosh ROM emulation.
On the Apple Lisa & Macintosh XL - 512 Pixels
2010年5月13日 · Apple officially discontinued the Macintosh XL, née Lisa, on April 29, 1985, and the last Lisa rolled off the assembly line at the Carrollton, Texas, factory on May 15. Despite its lack of market acceptance during its initial availability, the Lisa now enjoys strong demand among vintage computer collectors on eBay who recognize its importance ...
apple-history.com / Lisa/Lisa 2/Mac XL
2006年3月29日 · In January 1985, the Lisa 2/10 was renamed the Macintosh XL, and outfitted with MacWorks, an emulator that allowed the Lisa to run the Mac OS. The XL was discontinued later that year. You fail to mention one of the Lisa's most important roles in Apple history - as a programming platform for the early Macs.
Macintosh XL - Macintosh Repository
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3437687 old Mac files, totaling more than 693318.9GB! MORE THAN 135,000 MEMBERS! Disclaimer: All contents found on the Macintosh …