Motorola ROKR - Wikipedia
The Motorola ROKR (/ ˈrɒkər /), the first version of which was informally known as the iTunes phone, was a series of mobile phones from Motorola, part of a 4LTR line developed before the spin out of Motorola Mobility. ROKR models were released starting in September 2005 and ending in 2011, because of the dissolution of Motorola Inc..
Today in Apple history: First AirPods revealed to the world
2024年9月7日 · With Rokr E1, Apple gets into the phone game The Rokr’s origins date back to 2004, when sales of the iPod portable music player made up approximately 45% of Apple’s revenue.
iTunes Phone: The Apple Phone That Came Before The iPhone
2022年3月26日 · The Motorola ROKR, or iTunes Phone, was Apple's first attempt at a phone. Made in collaboration with Motorola, it launched before the first iPhone.
Apple, Motorola & Cingular Launch World’s First Mobile Phone …
2005年9月7日 · Apple’s iTunes software on the Motorola ROKR features easy to use menus, simple navigation and playback, and the ability to simply switch from phone to music and back again with the push of a dedicated music key.
Motorola - ROKR E1 | Mobile Phone Museum
Marketed as “the world’s first mobile phone with iTunes”, the Rokr E1 was developed by Motorola in partnership with Apple and US carrier, Cingular. Users were able to transfer up to 100 songs by syncing with Apple’s iTunes software on a Mac or PC.
2021年7月25日 · 苹果自己研发了一个手机原型,代号叫「Purple 1」,它甚至不是一个手机的模样,而是嵌入在一台iPod内,使用转盘来拔号,而且只能打电话还不能上网。 这样毫无创新,甚至笨重的产品,显然是无法打动消费者的,很快「Purple 1」就被乔布斯放弃。 难道苹果的手机创业之路就会因此死去吗?历史在这里开了一个玩笑。 iPod 还怎么卖出去呢? 时间来到2004年1月,摩托罗拉新上任CEO艾德·桑德尔(Ed Zander)接到了多年好友乔布斯的祝贺电话,聊着聊着, …
Motorola ROKR E1 | Apple Wiki | Fandom
The ROKR E1 is a re-badged Motorola E398 candybar -style phone (originally called the E790) with Apple-licensed technology to play back music purchased from the iTunes Music Store. It features a music player with an interface similar to that of Apple's early iPod music players.
Flashback: the Motorola ROKR E1 was a dud, but it paved the …
2019年9月1日 · The Motorola ROKR E1 became the first phone compatible with iTunes. Apple partnered with carrier Cingular to release it at $250 with a 2-year contract.
乔布斯最早从什么时候开始想到要做智能手机? - 知乎
2005 年 9 月,苹果与摩托罗拉合作发布了一款支持 iTunes 的 ROKR 手机,被称为「An iPod shuffle on your phone」,是乔布斯对手机市场的一次试验。
MOTO联姻APPLE 首款iTunes手机ROKR E1评测 - 新浪科技
2005年11月9日 · Apple是当前世界上最大的硬盘MP3生产商,其ipod的出现彻底的引发了一场音乐革命,将原来SONY的Walkman随身听产品远远地抛在了身后,抢夺了过半的硬盘MP3市场。 对于Apple的崛起,SONY是始料不及的,在失了市场先机之后再想在硬盘MP3市场上迅速超越Apple已经变得极为困难,SONY面对这一尴尬局面,只有将Walkman的战场延伸至当前最受大众欢迎的手机产品上,由索爱推出了全新概念的Walkman音乐手机 (专区),企图在新兴地音乐手机市场上 …