看起来下一个 Apple TV 4K 可能已经准备好 8K - 知乎
分析:Apple TV 4K 会支持 8K 吗? 虽然在所有设备上都支持 AV1 将非常有用,尤其是在移动观看视频时减少数据使用,或者为在家中连接不佳的人提高流媒体质量,但对我们来说最大的问题是当前的 Apple TV 4K 是否能够支持其 8K 功能,或者是否需要传闻中的新 Apple TV ...
It looks like the next Apple TV 4K might be ready to go 8K
2022年9月29日 · Evidence has been found in code for Apple 's next big round of software updates – including for iOS on phones, iPadOS on tablets, macOS on Macs and, of course, tvOS on Apple TV 4K – that...
真香?买 APPLE TV 前请先了解一下 - 少数派
2022年10月21日 · 因为 2022款的 APPLE TV 4K 硬件又迎来升级,说是一台“小电脑主机”也不为过,解码能力也随着 SoC 的升级迎来新高度。 核心两点: 1、升级 A15 芯片. 2、遥控器充电口变成 USB-C. 比较恶心人的是,之前遥控器充电口用 Lightning,包装内会赠送一条 Lightning 充电线。
The Apple TV might soon be able to play 8K video - What Hi-Fi?
2022年10月21日 · Apple TV might be ready to go 8K. Evidence of support for AV1 – a next-gen, 8K-friendly codec – has been spotted in the company's tvOS 16 beta code. The AV1 reference was brought to light by flatpanelshd , which adds that Apple could roll out AV1 support across tvOS, iOS, iPadOS and macOS devices in the near future.
New Apple TV 4K Now Coming In 2025 - SimplyMac
2024年10月26日 · While 8K content is still limited, future-proofing the Apple TV 4K with 8K capability is a possibility. Enhanced Gaming Features: Improved graphics, lower latency, and maybe even a dedicated game controller. Updated tvOS: A new version of tvOS with a redesigned interface, new features, and improved performance.
苹果TV(AppleTV7代)怎么样?使用89天后优缺点评测 - 知乎
为了更好的帮大家选购心仪的苹果TV(AppleTV7代),那么下面来看下网友怎么评价. ① 音质音效:配合 HomePod mini 影像效果卓群 外形外观:很小巧不占空间 做工质量:遥控器是铝合金材质,手感很好 体验了一段时间才来评价,购买前客服的建议和提醒很贴心,发货也很快。 其次东西本身不错,只要能搞定外区账号,atv 还是很好使的,电视盒子天花板,这里面可是 A15 呀哈哈! 趁着送tv+会员把 severance和 ted lasso看完了,每天回家只想当 couch potato.
8k tv with apple 4k tv - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2021年4月20日 · It sounds as though you're wondering if the Apple TV app and Apple TV 4k will provide the same resolution on your Samsung 8k Smart TV. The 8k resolution would be specific to the TV. To inquire as to what resolution films and other content would be displays on that TV would best be provided by the TV manufacturer directly.
买Apple TV之前,你要知道的7件事! - 知乎专栏
Apple TV 结合 Infuse 5 解析 4K 视频的效果非常好,Apple TV 最高可以支持 4K 杜比视界 60HZ(新版可以支持到8K/4K 120HZ,但是你的电视得有hdmi 2.1接口),只要你的电视支持,保证会有一个非常好的家庭影院的体验。
The next Apple TV might go 8K - iMore
2022年7月21日 · Apple is reportedly readying a new Apple TV powered by A14 for later this year, so it is indeed possible that this new TV could bring 8K to the party. At the very least AV1 support would improve current streaming across a bunch of services regardless of the resolution upgrade.
What is the best 8k tv to pair with the Apple TV 4K? : r/appletv - Reddit
2023年12月31日 · i want to know what’s the absolute best 8k tv around 70-80in that pair the best with the Apple TV and will be the best as well. One that looks the best for hdr brightness etc, Locked post.