约 13,000,000 个结果
Low Cost Marketplace Health Care, Qualifying Income Levels
Check if you might save on Marketplace premiums, or qualify for Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), based on your income. Or, find out who to include in your …
How to Get Marketplace Health Insurance | HealthCare.gov
Insurance program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Many states …
Marketplace health insurance plans and prices | HealthCare.gov
You'll find health insurance plans with estimated prices available to you. Premium estimates show any savings you qualify for based on the basic information you entered. The actual …
Check Your Eligibility For Affordable Care Act Subsidies
The Health Insurance Marketplace is a way to find and compare health insurance plans in your area and find the most affordable health insurance available. It shows what subsidies or …