APRA-40 - Wikipedia
Mașina de luptă a purtat numele de APRA-40/122 mm. APRA-40, în uz și astăzi, folosește atât rachete sovietice originale cât și variante românești produse, cândva, la U.M. Tohan/Brașov, variante echipate cu fuzee de proximitate sau impact, ogiva HE-Frag sau submuniții. În 2008-2010 a apărut racheta calibrul 122 mm cu raza ...
APR-40 - Wikipedia
APR-40 je rumunski višecijevni bacač raketa nastao na osnovu sovjetskog BM-21 Grad sistema uveden u operativnu upotrebu 1978. godine. Lanser sa 40 cijevi je postavljen na šasiju kamiona DAC 15.215 DFAEG.
Ukrainian Forces receive from Croatia APR-40 122mm MLRS …
The APR-40 is designed to deliver indirect fire support to ground troops and engage various targets, including enemy artillery, infantry formations, fortifications, and light armored vehicles. It is capable of launching 40 unguided rockets in a single salvo, providing a significant amount of firepower in a short amount of time.
Romania Provided the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a BM-21 Grad …
2025年1月16日 · Romania generally does not disclose the volume of military aid provided to Ukraine. However, available information confirms the transfer of APR-40 multiple rocket launchers, which are essentially Romanian copies of the BM-21 Grad MLRS. There is currently no precise data on how many APR-40 systems Ukraine has received.
Aerostar APR-40 - pmulcahy.com
APRA-40 The APRA-40 is an evolutionary development of the APR-40; it’s chassis is different, stronger, and heavier, and the APRA-40 has improved fire control including a small computer and night vision for the telescopic sight.
It Seems That Romanian MLRSs are Already Hitting the russian …
2023年5月11日 · A video of Romanian 122-mm APR-40 multiple rocket launchers, which are said to be already in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield, is circulating online. This is the first time that MLRS from Romania have come to light in Ukraine - the transfer of these vehicles had not been reported before.
Romanian APR-40 122mm MLRS on Volvo truck spotted in Iraq …
2015年12月21日 · Romanian APR-40 122mm Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) based on Volvo truck spotted in Iraq. The APR-40 initially this designator was used for the original BM-21 “Grad” in Romanian service, but Aerostar SA has developed an improved model. APR-40 MLRS can fire both single shots and gulp. Full salvo time is 30 seconds.
Lansatoarele românești APR-40 se află în Ucraina (Video).
2023年5月9日 · Paralel cu APR-40, România a produs lansatorul APR-21, mai mic, iar principala diferență între cele două era numărul de rachete lansate. Versiunea mai grea, care se pare că a ajuns acum în Ucraina, dispune de o unitate de foc cu 40 de rachete cal 122 mm (sistemul Grad).
APRA 40 - Romania Military
2023年5月18日 · Se stia de mult ca Zagrebul detine APRA 40 calibrul 122mm achizitionate din Romania, pe sasiu de camioane DAC 665.
Carpathian Camaraderie: Romania’s Military Support For Ukraine
2023年8月5日 · By Jakub Janovsky, naalsio26, Aloha, Dan and Kemal. The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Romania during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.