APR2 - St. Lawrence University
Student and advisor access to course registration, academic planning and degree audits. Student access to grades can be found here as well. The Brewer Bookstore carries SLU apparel, …
Introduction to APR2 - St. Lawrence University
APR2 is the course planning and registration system for advisors and students. In consultation with their advisor, students can chart their course path semesters in advance. For assistance …
How-To Instructions - St. Lawrence University
MEET with your advisor: Look together at the “My Progress” tab to MAKE SURE it accurately reflects your academic record and then PRIORITIZE your possible course choices …
Adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR2) mutation in …
2011年9月1日 · APR2 is the dominant APR (adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase) in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and converts activated sulfate to sulfite, a key reaction in the …
Article - Colleague Links - TeamDynamix
Colleague Self-Service (aka APR2) - for student registration, payroll time entry, and approval for all employees other than SEUI. Log in to Colleague Self-Service to access functions such as:
高等植物中硫酸盐的还原:一种新型5'-腺苷酸硫酸盐还原酶的分子 …
从拟南芥中克隆了三类cDNA,分别称为APR1,-2和-3,它们在功能上与大肠杆菌的cysH,PAPS还原酶突变株互补。 APR克隆的编码序列与来自微生物的PAPS还原酶同源。 此 …
油菜APS还原酶基因(APR2)的克隆与拟南芥遗传转化 - 百度学术
APR-2 Hawk-M antisubmarine missile - Missilery.info
APR-2/APR-2M Yastreb anti-submarine missile is designed to engage modern submarines, including multipurpose nuclear missiles, at speeds up to 43 knots in the submarine (at depths …
2024年11月30日 · 以GL-APR2.2序列在NCBI网站进行BLASTp同源搜索,共获得163条高相似性的序列,剔除前100条中相同序列、PAPS还原酶及非命名为APR的序列,剩余78条序列,均来 …
紫叶油菜硫同化还原酶基因<em>APR2</em>的克隆及在拟南芥 …
为探讨xy-pl紫叶表型与硫同化代谢关键酶apr2的关系,采用同源克隆法分别克隆了xy-pl和绿叶油菜品种中双11号(zs11)的apr2基因,共获得3条差异序列,分别命名为pl-apr2、gl-apr2.1和gl …