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2021年11月25日 · Alabama Black Belt Blues uses slave narratives, archival blues recordings and the recorded music of contemporary African American blues musicians to explore the role this music has played in the region from slavery onward.
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美国公共电视 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美国公共电视交流服务(APT Exchange):原名“免费片库”,由美国公共电视充当预付费节目的交换机构并为会员台提供免费电视节目。 该服务始于1978年。 《里奇·史蒂夫游欧洲 (英语:Rick Steves' Europe)》、《晚间商业报道 (英语:Nightly Business Report)》、《美国测试厨房 (英语:America's Test Kitchen)》等节目都是由该服务提供。 [2] 美国公共电视国际服务(APT Worldwide):主要负责该机构节目的国际发行业务,同时该服务还代理部分 A+E电视网 和 …
Alabama Public Television - Wikipedia
Alabama Public Television (APT) is a state network of PBS member television stations serving the U.S. state of Alabama. It is operated by the Alabama Educational Television Commission (AETC), an agency of the Alabama state government which holds the licenses for all of the PBS member stations licensed in the state.
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2025年3月17日 · Watch full episodes of your favorite PBS dramas, find in-depth news analysis and explore documentaries on history, science, art and more!
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