APTES monolayer coverage on self-assembled magnetic ... - Nature
2021年3月11日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to establish the presence of APTES on the MNS surface. The amine content quantified by a...
XPS spectra of a APTES monolayer covered SiO2 substrate. Shown …
We demonstrate a cost-effective bottom-up manner for patterning polymer microstructures by evaporative self-assembly under a flexible geometric confinement at a high temperature....
Preparation and characterization of APTES films on modification ...
2011年5月31日 · The surfaces of titanium before and after modification were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and attenuated total refraction–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR–FTIR).
Review: 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) Deposition …
2022年12月27日 · XPS results showed a thickness of ∼5.3–6.5 Å, comparable to the monolayer thickness. According to the XPS analysis, the APTES deposition on TiO 2 resulted in 60% of free amine groups, and the other 40% were suggested to be involved in hydrogen bonding or protonated. This was also supported by FTIR results where peaks were observed for the ...
Use of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane deposited from aqueous solution …
2014年11月30日 · Using atomic force microscopy, variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), and modeling with density functional theory (DFT), we demonstrate that APTES films can successfully be deposited on III-V substrates by spin coating and directly compare these films...
APTES-Based Silica Nanoparticles as a Potential Modifier for …
A XPS analysis of the SiO 2 (50 nm) nanoparticles before and after APTES adsorption was performed in order to confirm the success of the APTES grafting on the silica NPs.
High-resolution XPS spectra of APTES layers deposited at …
Therefore, this study aims to investigate the physicochemical properties of aerosol-assisted atmospheric pressure plasma deposited (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-based (AAPD-APTES) coatings and...
Preparation and characterization of APTES modified magnetic …
2018年7月31日 · In this paper, we have developed an effective and facile method for the preparation of magnetic MMT nanocomposite by using surface modification, which caused the magnetic MMT to be stable and have high magnetism. APTES, hydrolyzed into trihydroxyl groups, was used to modify both MMT and Fe3 O 4 via silanization.
(a) XPS survey spectrum for the APTES modified nanoporous …
APTES functionalisation is indicated by the asymmetric signal of the positively charged amino tail groups at binding energies of 399 eV (NH 3 + ) displayed in Fig. 5(c). ... View in full-text...
XPS spectra of a APTES monolayer covered SiO2 substrate | Open-i
Further ellipsometric, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and time-dependent XPS studies suggested that the attached cations could form an inorganic analog of the self-assembled monolayer on SiO(2) substrate with a "lying-down" orientation.