Intelligent geophone for the search for leakages Simple and reliable guidance to the leakage Tripple function: acoustic or tracer gas-driven leakage and pipe detection Suitable for any user thanks to manual and automatic functions 256 free selectable filters Leakage profile recordable as file, and reporting possible on the PC Colour touch screen, battery-driven APPLICATION
Aqua M-300 – Synthotech
The Aqua M300 systems from FAST are combination kits that can be used for accurately locating leaks using a ground microphone and or hydrogen gas leak detection. Designed for pinpointing leaks on live water pipes quickly and efficiently.
德国FAST Aqua M300D智能听漏仪-德国FAST-中国代理通
德国FAST Aqua M300D智能听漏仪 清晰直观的显示模式,256个频段自由选择,自动滤波,高效率抑制背景噪音,大大提高探测效率,从而获得佳漏水峰值。
The Aqua M300 is an above ground leak detection solution that provides a simple and fast methodology of pin-pointing water leaks. itive microphones that can be filtered through the …
Fast Aqua M300 Leak Detection System | Accurate Instruments
The Aqua M300 is the ideal acoustic leak detection for plumbers, drainlayers and utility locating services, wanting to reliably check for lleaks in underground pipes and doemstic house water networks.
FAST Aqua M300D智能听漏仪AQUA M300 数字听漏仪 - 百度爱 …
本公司生产销售智能听漏仪 听漏仪,提供智能听漏仪专业参数,智能听漏仪价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.智能听漏仪 智能听漏仪 品牌Fast|产地广东|价格666.00元|型号AQUAM300|产品智能听漏仪|用途用于寻找泄漏的智能检波器|定位使用测试棒或通用加速度计进行预定位广东智能听漏仪;Fast智能听漏仪;广东Fast智能听漏仪;广东听漏仪;Fast听漏仪;广东Fast听漏仪.
水泄漏感应器 - Aqua M300 - F.A.S.T. GmbH - 声学 / 示踪气体 / 数 …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供水泄漏感应器产品详细信息。 规格型号:Aqua M300,公司品牌:F.A.S.T. GmbH。 直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。 寻找更多国外精选水泄漏感应器产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
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Aqua M300 D
The Aqua M300 is a multi-purpose detector designed to allow the user to carry out electroacoustic leak detection on pipe systems carrying water, acoustic leak detection on pipes and to perform non-destructive pinpoint leak detection on pipes which have previously been flooded with trace gas using the indicative measurement of different hydrogen ...
Aqua M300 – Leak Detector – UDE.ie
The Aqua M300 facilitiates the pinpointing of leaks both acoustically and using tracer gas. This system combines both to allow the user to trace even the smallest of leaks while also allowing long term measurements.
Intelligentes Geophon zur Leckagensuche Einfache und sichere Zielführung zur Leckage 3-fach Funktion: Akustische oder Tracergas-Leck- und Leitungsortung Geeignet für jeden Benutzer dank manueller und automatischer Funktion 256 frei wählbare Filter Leckageprofil als Datei aufzeichenbar und Berichterstellung am PC möglich Farb …