Lockheed MQM-105 Aquila - Wikipedia
The Lockheed MQM-105 Aquila (Eagle) was the first small battlefield drone developed in the United States during the 1970s to act as a target designator for the US Army.
Lockheed MQM-105 Aquila TADAR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
2019年8月1日 · The MGM-105 Aquila (Eagle) TADAR (Target Acquisition, Designation and Aerial Reconnaissance) was the first United States Army attempt at securing a reusable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) capable of conducting a range of mission types. The Aquila was originally developed as "Little R" by Lockheed Missiles and Space Company beginning in the 1970's.
MQM-105 Aquila - The Historical Marker Database
2017年4月11日 · The Army's first major Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) acquisition was the Aquila program. This program was started in 1979 and was originally estimated to cost $123 million for a 43-month development effort, followed by planned expenditures of $440 million for procurement of 780 air vehicles and associated equipment.
committed to the Aquila UAV in 1979, the system was not technologically mature. Several of Aquila's key planned subsystems—such as a miniaturized jam-resistant data link and a day-night sensor with laser designator—did not even exist at the time. As a result, by 1982, in large part due to numerous problems in developing subsystem technologies,
Aquila and Predator: The Failure and Momentum of Drone Technologies in the U.S., 1970-2015 This article examines the technological and intellectual histories of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) development in the U.S. from the 1970s until 2015. Borrowing from the field of science
Lockheed MQM-105 Aquila - Designation-Systems.Net
The MQM-105 Aquila was the first serious U.S. Army attempt to field a multimission battlefield RPV. As it turned out, it also was the first of a number of failures to do this in a time- and cost-effective way.
Facebook Aquila - Wikipedia
The Facebook Aquila was an experimental solar-powered drone developed by Facebook for use as an atmospheric satellite, intended to act as relay stations for providing internet access to remote areas. The Aquila first flew on 28 June 2016 with a …
详解翱翔的Facebook无人机:不止空中通信存在挑战 - 21ic电子网
2020年8月18日 · Aquila无人机的重量只有汽车的三分之一。 当飞机升至巡航高度时,只需要5000瓦的电能就能驱动,和三台吹风机差不多。 在测试飞行中,Facebook收集了设计与运行信息。
详解Facebook无人机Aquila - 亿欧
2016年7月27日 · Aquila无人机的重量只有汽车的三分之一。 当飞机升至巡航高度时,只需要5000瓦的电能就能驱动,和三台吹风机差不多。 在测试飞行中,Facebook收集了设计与运行信息。
在希腊神话中,Aquila是宙斯的宠物,或是宙斯本人的化身,双翼环绕雷霆闪电。 另一种说法是,普罗米修斯盗窃天火后,被宙斯绑在奥林匹斯山,每日忍受老鹰剖腹啄食内脏之苦,这只老鹰就是Aquila。
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