Arago - AI-system powered by light
Arago's system accelerate 99% of operations: matrix multiplications. Harness the unmatched parallelism of light to accelerate high-volume tasks with 𝑛^3 complexity. The digital processor controls and performs the final 1% of operations.
The Leading AI Headshot Generator
Get professional AI headshots in minutes with our new AI headshot generator. Save hundreds of dollars and hours of your time. Built by AI researchers.
Arago - AI-accelerator powered by optics
Discover how Arago’s Optical Processing Unit overcomes memory and computing limitations, delivering unprecedented performance for AI applications by harnessing the power of light.
Almato AI - GitHub
Almato AI has 42 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Arago - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Arago is a leading artificial intelligence company that helps businesses automate their IT processes through intelligent automation. Its proprietary AI platform HIRO (Human Intelligence Robotically Optimized)™ uses reasoning and a knowledge-based problem-solving engine to deliver cutting-edge enterprise IT automation solutions to clients ...
Arago - Awwwards SOTD
2025年2月23日 · Arago redefines computing with the power of light. A groundbreaking accelerator blending innovation, speed, and design to push the boundaries of AI performance...
Turn your AI projects into reality. Whether you're looking to develop a technical understanding of how AI works or a practical roadmap for transforming your business. With AragoAI we'll provide you with the knowledge to bring your AI projects to life!
Argo AI - Wikipedia
Argo AI was an independent company that built software, hardware, maps, and cloud-support infrastructure to power self-driving vehicles. Argo was mostly backed by Ford Motor Co. (2017) [5] and the Volkswagen Group (2020). [6] At its peak, the company was valued at $7 billion. [7]
Photonic computing platform to unlock AGI at scale.
Arago - Rigsters
Developed for mass-digitization of objects, Arago automates the tedious process of capturing images for photogrammetry. Arago Control software generates optimal camera positions for the object of your choice. Arago has been successfully integrated in the production pipelines of many 3D Creators, including: