Arakan - Wikipedia
Arakan was one of the first Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia. It was home to the sacred Mahamuni sculpture of Buddha, which was later transferred to Mandalay by Burmese …
若開邦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
古稱阿拉干(Arakan)王国,自古以上座佛教立国,在文化上与缅甸更为接近,与西边的孟加拉地区也长期和睦相处。 在阿拉干王国的古都妙乌(Mrauk U),至今仍保留着一座几百年前 回 …
Rakhine State - Wikipedia
In November 2020, the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) reached an informal ceasefire, leading to a temporary reduction in hostilities in Rakhine State. However, after the …
若开邦 - 百度百科
若开邦 (Rakhine State)是 缅甸 西海岸的一个邦,与缅甸内地隔阂着 若开山脉,若开邦依山傍海、气候宜人,居民有 若开族 、罗兴亚族和 钦族 等。 若开邦人口主要是若开人。 若开海岸依山 …
Arakan | Myanmar, Map, Geography, & Facts | Britannica
2025年2月11日 · Arakan is a coastal geographic region in southwestern Myanmar (Burma). It consists of a long narrow strip of land along the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal and …
若开军 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
若开军,正式名稱為 阿拉干軍 (Arakha Tatdaw, 緬甸語: အာရက္ခတပ်တော်,英語: Arakha Army, 縮寫 AA),是 缅甸 的一支以 若开人 为主的少数民族地方武装部队,该武装成 …
Arakan Mountains - Wikipedia
The Arakan Mountains, natively referred as Rakhine Yoma (Burmese: ရခိုင်ရိုးမ) and technically known as the Southern Indo-Burman Range, are a mountain range in western …
Arakan Army’s triumph ripples through China, India, Bangladesh
2025年2月20日 · Just 15 years after its founding, the Arakan Army (AA) has risen to dominate Rakhine state in western Myanmar, controlling 15 of 17 key townships and over 90% of the …
Global Arakan Network
Global Arakan Network is a reliable source of news and analysis on politics, culture, and current events. Our team of experienced journalists and writers provide in-depth coverage and …
A Brief History of Arakan: From Kingdom to a Colony
2016年12月8日 · Arakan’s powerful kingdom was established by King Noromikhla. Arakanese nationals didn’t forget, in 1784 Burmese king Budapaya sent a large army led by his son who …