For anyone wanting a fast and simple guide on ArcDPS, I just
2020年8月2日 · how i know that, well, fight started at 17:48, sandlion blocked everthing but the last hit which was 3k. that was at 17:50. then you miss the next hit because of blind and holo 3 goes through at 17:52 with another 3k. at 17:55 your arena + a single autoattack comes through with arround ~ 5,5k damage. at this point you cleaved everything and the ...
ArcDps has an insane impact on GW2 as Third-Party Addon
2023年9月27日 · I also found ARCdps to be a huge benefit to myself, when I first got into raiding I was very confident in my own builds, it wasn't until I installed ARC and actually looked at the numbers that I understood my own build couldn't break 8k dps while the meta build could easily hit much higher even as I was learning it.
Detailed ArcDPS and Extensions [PvE + WvW setup] Guide
2022年7月13日 · From what I understand, Arc only displays official GW2 server information in a readable format over managing its own servers in any way. The only addon that does it is Healing Stats currently, as GW2 server doesn't notify about healing of others, so you gotta live upload and download data from outside server to make it work.
arcdps Log Manager v1.6 – now with Emboldened and Harvest
2022年6月29日 · Added an option to generate detailed WvW logs when uploading to dps.report (by Somec, thanks!) A full changelog is available here and the program can be downloaded here. arcdps Log Manager. So, what is this? It's a program, a manager for all your recorded arcdps logs. You can filter logs, upload them in bulk with one click to dps.report, find ...
Alt-Shift-T not displaying ArcDPS window - SOLVED : r/Guildwars2 …
2022年1月26日 · Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series
I don't understand ArcDPS : r/Guildwars2 - Reddit
2023年1月24日 · I dunno about setting up arc too well. But if you damage at the start is super low and then stays pretty decent after being out of combat you are proly playing condi damage build. On that note i rly recommend finishing killing a golem as when it comes to dps you uptime is rly way more impprtant then your burst damage ( as in no one cares if u ...
PSA: Arcdps can now update itself! : r/Guildwars2 - Reddit
2022年11月12日 · Arc dps has some non dps related settings with which you can modify gw2 map loading and removing gw2 ui elements. So it alters the game and is not just reading data Reply reply More replies
A Brief ArcDPS Setup Guide for World vs. World, Including ... - Reddit
2023年8月12日 · A Brief ArcDPS Setup Guide for World vs. World, Including Downstate Contribution
ArcDPS Setup [2019 Edition] : r/gw2raiders - Reddit
2018年12月5日 · Arc is a DPS meter for Guild Wars 2. It allows players within the same party/squad to see current and simulated damage between their fellow players. Installing. Before installing, remember DON'T BE A DICK. Download the latest d3d9.dll & …
My arcdps dps meter is gone. Can someone tell me how to get it …
I like displaying arc dps's fps and ping indicator and compass and dragging the window to the top of my screen Edit 2: im still getting notifications of people finding this comment. Glad its been helping lost souls all these years 😅