高危出血风险学术研究联盟(The Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk,ARC-HBR)是由研究团体、监管机构和医生科学家组成的学术组织,专注于PCI相关出血的防控研究。 ARC-HRB专家共识将高危出血风险(High Bleeding Risk,HBR)定义为1年出血学术研究联合会(Bleeding Academic Research Consortium,BARC)定义的3级或5级出血风险≥4%,或1年颅内出血(intracerebral hemorrhage,ICH)风险≥1%(表2)。
Defining High Bleeding Risk in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous ...
2019年5月22日 · The proposed ARC-HBR consensus document represents the first pragmatic approach to a consistent definition of high bleeding risk in clinical trials evaluating the safety and effectiveness of devices and drug regimens for patients …
韩雅玲:ARC-HBR——PCI围术期高出血风险人群识别及比伐芦定 …
2019年9月11日 · ARC-HBR指出:当前临床缺乏对PCI患者高出血风险(HBR)患者标准化定义,对于试验设计、数据解读和临床决策也带来了困扰,制定统一的标准,方便临床医生设计研究、早期识别和管理、优化治疗至关重要。 ARC-HBR联盟回顾分析了现有的临床证据并基于目前的共识,在临床上首次为PCI术后高出血患者的识别制订了标准化的定义,提出了识别PCI术后高出血风险患者的14条主要标准和6条次要标准(表1),同时也指出了PCI术后出血风险增加的相关因 …
Defining High Bleeding Risk in PCI Patients - American College …
2019年6月7日 · This current document defines the ARC-HBR using BARC 3 or 5 bleeding risk. Results: Major criterion for ARC-HBR include clinical diagnoses, which confer BARC 3 or 5 bleeding risk ≥4% at 1 year or a risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) of ≥1% at 1 year:
ARC-HBR Criteria Can Identify HBR in East Asian Patients:
The Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR), which consists of 31 members from the United States, Asia, and Europe, proposed the ARC-HBR criteria in 2018. 3 The criteria provide a consensus definition of patients at a high risk for PCI-related bleeding. To date, several large-scale studies have validated the use of the ARC ...
High bleeding risk - Academic Research Consortium
Validation of the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) criteria in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and comparison with contemporary bleeding risk scores.
TCTAP A-020 Validation of New Modified ARC-HBR Criteria in …
This retrospective cohort study applied the new modified ARC-HBR definition to consecutive patients undergoing PCI in Ramathibodi hospital between September 1st, 2021, and March 31st, 2022. Patients were identified as HBR if at least one major criterion or two minor criteria were met.
2019 ARC-HBR 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者的高出血风险定义专家 …
2019 年 7 月,《Circulation》杂志发布了高出血 风险学术研究联合会(ARC-HBR)组织制定的经皮 冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者的高出血风险(HBR) 定义专家共识 [1]。
Application of the Academic Research Consortium High …
2019年11月11日 · ARC-HBR criteria successfully identified those patients with very HBR after percutaneous coronary intervention, who represented 43% of patients in this all-comers registry. The Academic Research Consortium for high bleeding risk (HBR) has been proposed to standardize the definition of HBR.
2019+ARC-HBR经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者的高出血风险定义专家 …
2006 年,第一个学术研究联盟(arc)为冠状动脉支架研究明确了缺血终点的标准化定义;2011 年,出血 arc(barc)确定了出血终点定义。 这两项标准化定义在临床研究中得到了广泛认同和应用,表明在 PCI 领域基于专家共识确定的标准化定义具有重要的临床应用 ...