NAD 7155 versus Arcam A65 & P75 - Vinyl Engine
2015年4月10日 · If not, you'll have to use the A65 as a preamp and the P75 as your power amp. You'll gain an extra 10 wpc using the P75 to drive the Axioms. This is not the end of the world - you'll just have stereo separates. Either way, I still think the Arcam is a cut above the NAD receiver in both quality and performance. Hope this helps.
[WTD] Arcam P85 or P90 amp - Vinyl Engine
2014年2月1日 · Quick links ... Please login or register an account
Integrated Amplifier, Pre/Power or Receiver - POLL
2011年12月16日 · Arcam A75 plus and a Arcam P75 bi amping Bi wired Mission 752 Freedoms..Most of the time.. Sometimes World Audio Pre and Wright Audio Royale se,,Single ended Toobs man..I use with the Missions again..
Dyna 20x2 with Graham Slee EGV or Dyna P75? - Vinyl Engine
2022年12月2日 · I’ve narrowed down to two options… buy the H and keep the Graham Slee phono, or buy the L and sell the GS phono and buy a used Dynavector P75 Mk 3 phono for around the same money. I really like the sound of the Graham Slee in my current setup (ProJect Xpression with DL110) and not heard the P75. Any advice appreciated! The rest of my setup:
Arcam P78 Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge Manual - Vinyl Engine
Arcam P78 owners manual, service manuals and schematics are for reference only and the Vinyl Engine bears no responsibility for errors or other inaccuracies. Reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited.
Arcam P77 Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge Manual - Vinyl Engine
Arcam P77 owners manual, service manuals and schematics are for reference only and the Vinyl Engine bears no responsibility for errors or other inaccuracies. Reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited. This website is …
Integrated Amplifier, Pre/Power or Receiver - POLL
2011年12月18日 · Quick links ... Please login or registerlogin or register
Anybody had experience of EI valves/tubes? - Vinyl Engine
2010年6月19日 · I done an experiment and tried using my Arcam P75 power amp with my valve pre,I was testing out a pair of speakers that a friend nicely knocked over for me.My flat is very small and I had to stack them on top of each other.Anyway these are 4 ohm speakers therefore a no no for the Wright audio.It has been specifically made to run at 8ohms.I was ...
Integrated Amplifier, Pre/Power or Receiver - POLL
2011年12月17日 · Quick links ... Please login or login or
Strange Problem with Rewired Rb250 - Vinyl Engine
2011年9月2日 · Quick links ... Please login or register an account