What is the definition of a cusp? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
c. Cusps, which are infinitely sharp corners. A cusp is a point where you have a vertical tangent, but with the following property: on one side the derivative is $+\infty$ , on the other side the derivative is $-\infty$ .
Why is a function at sharp point not differentiable?
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cusp vs. corner? or both? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2017年9月14日 · A regular continuous curve. In second curve with a corner it has first degree contact i.e., same $(x,y ...
calculus - Why does the derivative not exist at a cusp?
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calculus - Would this be classified as a corner or a cusp ...
2017年9月26日 · While corners and cusps as singular points. Corners are those singular points where we have two different tangent lines and cusps are singular points where we have one tangent line. In terms of functions, I would say: Corner: if the graph of the function has two different left/right tangent lines
derivatives - Are piecewise functions differentiable at cusps, or if ...
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How "sharp" does a cusp have to be in order for the equation to …
2014年12月16日 · First of all, there is a nice way of considering curves that have a limited "sharpness" to them. In particular, when (continuous) curves have a maximum "sharpness" that they achieve, we say that they are Lipschitz continuous. Moreover, their sharpness is bounded by something called a "Lipschitz constant".
calculus - Does a limit exist at a cusp or sharp point - Mathematics ...
The absolute value function is continuous. ... There is a mathematical way to deal with sharp edges or cusps,
group theory - Purpose of cusps - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The moduli space of 1-complex dimensional tori (of area 1) is (geometrically) a non-compact orbifold.The non-compactness comes from the fact that on a torus, one may decrease the length of a closed curve down to zero.
Definition of cusp or corner - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2018年2月5日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.