Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy Wiki
Aerith Gainsborough, alternately known with the first name Aeris, is a major recurring character in the Final Fantasy VII series. She is a playable character in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII Remake, one of the lead protagonists of the novel Final Fantasy VII …
爱丽丝·盖恩斯巴勒 - 百度百科
爱丽丝·盖恩斯巴勒(英文:Aerith Gainsborough;日文:エアリス ゲインズブール),是日本史克威尔公司旗下作品《最终幻想Ⅶ》系列中的女主角之一。 性格与外表不同,积极大胆,活泼开朗,乐观幽默,有点喜欢小恶作剧,调皮又充满活力,情感细腻温柔。
Aerith Gainsborough - Wikipedia
Aerith Gainsborough (Japanese: エアリス・ゲインズブール, Hepburn: Earisu Geinzubūru), transliterated as Aeris Gainsborough in the English releases of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tactics, is a character in Square's (now Square …
爱丽丝·盖恩斯巴勒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《最终幻想VII》中的女主角(之一),她是星球上唯一仅存的古代种(赛特拉),白魔晶石的持有者。 身负沉重的宿命,身份特殊从小就被神罗四处追讨,却始终保持着活泼开朗的性格。 在日语版本中她的声优是 坂本真绫。 在英语版中她有多个声优,在游戏《王国之心》由歌手兼演员 曼迪·穆尔 擔任,在《王国之心II》和《最终幻想VII 降临之子》中,声优是 米娜·苏瓦丽,在《最终幻想VII 核心危机》和《王国之心III》的《Re Mind》DLC中,声优是安德莉·鲍恩,在《最终幻想VII …
艾莉絲·蓋恩茲博羅 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在《Final Fantasy VII》和《Final Fantasy戰略版》中將其音譯為「Aeris」,但在後來的產品中已更改為「Aerith」。 兩種音譯都有基礎,因為在將「 s」(/ s /)和「 th」(/θ/)轉錄為日語時會使用日語的「su」( ス )。
Aerith Gainsborough | Ff7 Wiki - Fandom
Aerith Gainsborough, also known as Aeris Gainsborough, is one of the female protagonists in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. She uses a staff as her weapon and wears a pink ribbon in her hair. Having lived in the slums of Midgar for years, she has become street-smart, and has had to evade the Shinra many times.
Aerith Gainsborough - Heroes Wiki
Aerith Gainsborough is the deuteragonist in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. She is the last of the Cetra, an ancient race with powerful magical abilities, and so the Shinra Electric Power Company hunts her throughout her life, seeking to exploit her powers.
Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy 7 Remake Wiki
2024年1月7日 · Aerith Gainsborough a Playable Character in Final Fantasy VII Remake and is the deuteragonist. Aerith wields a staff and primarily plays as a support in the team, she is capable of conjuring magical spells, long-range attacks, and has limit breaks that are entirely defensive, either providing restorative abilities, healing other party members ...
Who Is Aerith In The FF7 Remake? - TheGamer
2024年1月12日 · Within the grand compilation of Final Fantasy 7, which currently boasts over seven games, Aerith has remained a central piece of almost all of them. She links almost every other character to each other, but stands firmly as a strong character in her own right as well.
Aerith Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8
2024年12月29日 · Aerith Gainsborough is a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). See the best builds for Aerith, list of weapons, their voice actors, and more about this character's background in this guide!