Argillite - Wikipedia
Argillite ( / ˈɑːrdʒɪlaɪt /) is a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed predominantly of indurated clay particles. Argillaceous rocks are basically lithified muds and oozes. They contain variable amounts of silt -sized particles. The argillites grade into shale when the fissile layering typical of shale is developed.
All About Argillite - West Valley Naturalists
2020年9月25日 · It’s the predominant rock in Glacier National Park a few miles to our east, as shown in this Google Earth image, below: It’s argillite, the colorful rocks and tiered strata that were formed during the Precambrian period well over 500 million years ago–and western Montana is one of the best places in the world to see it. What is Argillite?
GemRocks: Argillite - Central Michigan University
2011年4月13日 · DESCRIPTION: Argillites are highly compact sedimentary or slightly metamorphosed rocks that consist largely or wholly of particles of clay or silt but lack the fissility of shale or the cleavage characteristic of slate. Some rocks called argillite would be better characterized as shales with poorly developed fissility.
Geology - rocks and minerals - University of Auckland
Argillite is highly indurated mudstone. Along with greywacke, it comprises the basement rock of New Zealand, and so is an important rock type throughout the country.
What Is Argillite | Argillite Features - Compare Nature
An argillite is a fine-grained sedimentary rock mainly composed of clay particles which forms from lithified muds which contain variable amounts of silt-sized particles. What is Argillite? In this section, we will learn more about properties of Argillite i.e. physical and thermal properties.
Outdoor Geology Lab Tour: Meta-Argillite - Wake Tech
Argillite is a sedimentary rock composed of fine silt and sand-sized particles mixed with finer volcanic ash. The flat, even nature of the bedding planes suggests that all of these sedimentary particles were deposited in a relatively calm, wet environment that was not often disturbed by …
泥板岩 - 百度百科
泥板岩 (argillite)是一种成分复杂、已固结硬化的 粘土岩 。 是 粘土 在较强的 后生作用 下,通过压固、 重结晶作用 形成的。 其中 重结晶 的粘土矿物小于50%,新生矿物的粒度小于0.05毫米。
Argillaceous Rocks Examples (Characteristics and Types)
Argillites or argillaceous rocks are fine-grained sedimentary rocks composed mainly of clay. There are a variety of silt-sized particles in argillaceous rocks made from lithified muds and oozes. When the fissile layering characteristic of shale develops, the argillites grade into shale.
Argillite - Museum of Stone Tools
Argillite is a fine-grained metasedimentary rock composed of clay particles. It forms when a sedimentary clay or mud is cooked by exposure to intense heat and pressure within the Earth’s crust. Argillite is intermediate between shale and slate, but it does not possess cleavage planes, which makes the dense and hard varieties suitable for ...
Argillite Rock | History | Origin - Compare Nature
An argillite is a fine-grained sedimentary rock mainly composed of clay particles which forms from lithified muds which contain variable amounts of silt-sized particles.