Internet Routing Registry (IRR) - ARIN
The ARIN IRR is a searchable database of public routing policy information for networks in the ARIN region. IRR information is contained in a separate database from ARIN’s public Whois information. As part of the global IRR, the ARIN IRR provides a registry of Internet routing objects for resources in the ARIN region.
RIR Statistics - American Registry for Internet Numbers
The following reports are produced as part of a joint Regional Internet Registry (RIR) project to provide consistent and accessible Internet number resource statistics to the global Internet community to facilitate research on and analysis of the global use of Internet number resources.
Regional Internet registry - Wikipedia
A regional Internet registry (RIR) is an organization that manages the allocation and registration of Internet number resources within a region of the world. Internet number resources include IP addresses and autonomous system (AS) numbers.
正确处理全球五大互联网注册机构的 IP 数据 - 知乎
2022年6月7日 · 本文将聊聊如何正确对 APNIC、ARIN、RIPE NCC、LACNIC 和 AFRINIC 这五个全球顶级互联网注册机构(RIR)的 IP 注册数据进行处理。 网上关于这几个顶级 RIR 的数据处理的文章和内容并不少,但其实其中不乏谬误。 相信有一些读者对于 RIR 机构的了解并不多,所以我简单介绍一下目前仅有的五个全球互联网注册机构,它们负责统筹和管理我们日常使用的 IP ,先来看一下这几个机构各自的管辖区域。 简单来说,在 90 年代之后,考虑到当前世界上的 …
Our Region - American Registry for Internet Numbers
Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) are nonprofit corporations that administer and issue Internet Protocol (IP) address space and Autonomous System (AS) numbers within a defined region. RIRs also work together on joint projects. ARIN's geographical service area includes Canada, the United States, and Caribbean and North Atlantic islands.
区域互联网注册管理机构 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
区域互联网注册机构 (Regional Internet Registry, RIR),是管理世界上某特定地区 Internet 资源的组织。 Internet 资源包括 IP地址 (包含 IPv4 和 IPv6)和使用在 BGP 路由 中的 自治系统号 (Autonomous System number)。 现在世界上有五个正在运作的区域互联网注册管理机构: 每个连接到符合 IP协议 网络的设备都需要一个IP地址。 IP地址和自治系统号是有限的资源。 这意味着它们终有一天会消耗完。 这就需要一个有效率和中立的管理机构来管理这些资源以确保能公 …
Regional Internet Registries | The Number Resource …
2024年2月27日 · There are five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) in the world. RIRs manage, distribute, and register Internet number resources (IPv4 and IPv6 address space and Autonomous System (AS) Numbers) within their respective regions. Resource Members (Local Internet Registries (LIRs) and end users) who apply for resources based on need.
List of Country Codes and RIRs — RIPE Network Coordination Centre
It also shows the five Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions - AFRINIC, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE NCC. We update the list whenever a change to the official code list in ISO 3166-1 is made by the ISO 3166/MA.
Resource ranges by RIR - APNIC
These reports are produced according to the RIR statistics exchange format. APNIC uses an additional code, AP, to allow for networks that operate across more than one country or economy. Browse ISO 3166 codes to find the appropriate RIR for your country.
不同地区互联网注册机构(RIRs)的IPv4转移规则差异(ARIN …
2024年12月25日 · 本文探讨ARIN、RIPE和APNIC在IPv4转移规则方面的差异,并提供其政策、要求和流程的相关见解。 IPv4转移由RIR管理,这些机构负责在各自区域内分配和登记IP地址。 通过转移,组织可以将未使用的IPv4地址重新分配给更需要的实体,无论是区域内部还是跨区域(跨RIR转移)。 分配和管理IP地址资源。 维护准确的IP地址所有权记录。 执行公平透明的IP地址分配政策。 1. ARIN的IPv4转移规则. ARIN负责管理北美及加勒比部分地区的IPv4地址转移。 其政 …