Type 38 rifle - Wikipedia
The Arisaka Type 38 rifle was classified as the karabin japoński wz.05 Arisaka and the Arisaka Type 38 Carbine was the karabinek japoński wz.05 Arisaka. They were issued to police, border guards and paramilitary militia formations.
三八式步枪 - 百度百科
三八式步枪(英文:Type 38 Rifle,日文:三八式歩兵铳;さんぱちしきほへいじゅう)为手动步枪,日本陆军于日俄战争后1907年正式采用为制式武器。 三八式步枪长1280毫米,口径6.5毫米,枪重3.95千克,配上三零式刺刀,全枪整体约为1.7米,弹仓可装5发子弹 ...
三八式步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三八式步槍 (日语: 三八式歩兵銃/さんはちしきほへいじゅう sanpachi-shiki hohei-juu)為 手動步槍, 日本陆军 於 日俄戰爭 同年(1905年, 明治 三十八年)正式采用为制式武器,一直到 第二次世界大战。 三八式步槍在 中國 一向俗稱為 三八大蓋,由於其槍機上有一個随枪机連動的防塵蓋以及机匣上刻有“三八式”字样而得名。 [1] 三八式步槍的原型是 三十年式步槍 和 三五式海軍步槍。 三十年式步槍仿造自 德國 毛瑟步枪,設計師是 有坂成章 大佐,以取代從 甲午戰爭 以來, …
Arisaka - Wikipedia
The Arisaka rifle (Japanese: 有坂銃, romanized: Arisaka-jū) is a family of Japanese military bolt-action service rifles, which were produced and used since approximately 1897, when it replaced the Murata rifle (村田銃, Murata-jū) family, until the end of World War II in 1945.
Arisaka Type 38 and Type 99: Imperial Japanese Army
2024年4月24日 · Actually, Japan had two Arisaka rifles in use during WWII, the Type 38 and the better-known Type 99. The Type 38 is the older of the two, developed in 1905 by the eponymous Colonel (陸軍大佐/Rikugun-Taisa) Nariakira Arisaka (1852 – 1915), who would eventually attain the rank of Lieutenant General (陸軍中将/Rikugun-Chūjō).
Type 38 rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 38 rifle Arisaka (三八式歩兵銃 san-hachi-shiki hoheijū?) was a bolt-action rifle that was the standard infantry rifle of the Imperial Japanese Army from 1905 (the 38th year of the Meiji period, hence "Type 38") to the end of World War II. The Imperial Japanese Army introduced the Type 30 rifle in 1897.
The Arisaka Rifle: Weapons for the Imperial Japanese Army Way …
Colonel Arisaka designed the Type 38 rifle in the late 1890s to serve as a substitute for the outdated and expensive to produce Murata rifle. The Arisaka Type 38 6.5mm (1905) was known to the Japanese soldier as the sanpachiju and was a five-shot weapon that used an internal box magazine loaded with 6.5mm cartridges via brass or steel stripper ...
Arisaka Type 38 Bolt-Action Infantry Service Rifle - Military Factory
2019年8月26日 · The Arisaka Type 38 (Rifle, Meiji 38th Year) was the standard rifle issued to the Imperial Japanese infantry by the time of the fighting of World War 1 (1914-1918). The rifle had an inherently high accuracy rate and proved very reliable in even the most adverse conditions found on the modern battlefield - particularly in the jungle fighting of ...
Arisaka Type 38 Rifle | World War II Database - WW2DB
The Arisaka Type 38 bolt-action rifles, also known as Meiji 38th Year (1905) rifles, were the standard infantry rifles of the pre-WW2 Japanese Army.
The Type 38 Arisaka - DocsLib
The book is profusely illustrated with photographs and drawings. Photographs cover every series and nearly every known variation. The research began with the formulation of a basic Type 38 rifle and carbine data sheet questionnaire, which evolved into the basic research tool for this study.