The amateur radio satellite ARISSat-1, deployed from the ISS on August 3, fell silent on Wednesday, January 4, as it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere. The ARISSat website shows the last telemetry was captured at 06:02:14 UTC on Jan. 4 with these temperatures: IHU PCB 75°C PSU 76°C RF 88°C Batt 55°C RF Enc 67°C
ARISSat-1 Finally Deployed from ISS - ARRL
2011年8月3日 · After a delay of almost four hours, cosmonauts Sergei Volkov, RU3DIS, and Alexander Samokutyaev, successfully deployed Amateur Radio’s newest satellite: ARISSat-1/KEDR. The deployment -- originally scheduled to occur at 1457 UTC on Wednesday, August 3 -- was delayed due to antenna concerns.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2011年1月28日 · ARISSat 1 (also known as Radioscaf-B and Kedr) was an amateur satellite that was launched on the Progress M-09M refurbishment mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The small satellite was designed to transmit 25 greetings messages in 15 different languages, Earth photos, and telemetry data for its scientific equipment and service ...
ARISSat-1 KEDR Radioskaf-B - AMSAT-UK
It’s the UNESCO educational satellite! The satellite, known variously as ARISSat-1, Radioskaf-B (радиоскаф) and KEDR or “Cedar”, weighed 30 kg, measured 550 x 550 x 400 mm and was developed by amateurs, including secondary-school students in Russia, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
【业余卫星】ARISSat-1的SDX(软件定义转发器) - 科创网
2013年2月11日 · ARISSat-1是AMSAT参与的最近的一颗业余卫星。2011年1月28日,ARISSat-1搭乘进步号货运飞船运抵国际空间站,在2011年8月3日的一次EVA中由宇航员手工释放入轨。其概况如下:ARISSat-1Name: ARISSat-1
ARISSat 1 (RadioSkaf 2, Kedr) - Gunter's Space Page
ARISSat 1 (RadioSkaf 2, Kedr) is a small technology and amateur communications satellite. With a mass of 30 kg it measures 55 × 55 × 40 cm.
ARISSAT-1 Satellite details 1998-067CK NORAD 37772 - N2YO.com
1998年11月20日 · ARISSat-1/KEDR is a satellite designed and built by amateur radio operators to specifically interest students in scientific and technological careers. Through the use of ham radio equipment, students and teachers should be able to access and utilize the satellite from a classroom environment with minimal set up.
工程师故事:打造一颗业余卫星(5) - 电子工程专辑 EE ...
2011年9月12日 · 先前我们已经介绍很多有关打造ARISSat-1计划的基本资料了。 这项计划一开始的想法是要在宇航服中填满电子元件,然后再将它从国际太空站(ISS)上发射出来。
Art Team: ARISSat-1 is orbiting planet Earth. As she travels she tumbles and rolls. If ARISSat-1 were equipped with a camera containing a powerful lens, what scenes would the camera capture? Use your imagination! Create a drawing illustrating what ARISSat-1’s camera captures. News Team: This team of students will be responsible for
ARISSat-1 KEDR Radioskaf-B; AO-85 (Fox-1A) TechEdSat FITSAT-1 WE-WISH F-1; TURKSAT-3USAT; OSSI-1; UKube-1 (FUNcube-2) VUsat-OSCAR-52; Fuji-OSCAR-29 (JAS 2) Dnepr Nov 2013 Satellites; Minotaur-1 ELaNa-4 Satellites; SatPC32 Doppler SQF File; Shop. AMSAT-UK Shop; Members OSCAR News Magazine; Projects. …