ARK News - ARK - Official Community Forums
Community Crunch 443: Club ARK Update & Community Creature Submission! February 1; By StudioWildcard; 64 comments; 25,539 views; Read More; Community Crunch 442: ARK x Power Rangers Wave 2 coming soon! January 25; By StudioWildcard; 54 comments; 20,155 views; Read More; Community Crunch 441: Astraeos Official Partner DLC!
ARK Official Community Wiki
The #1 and Official wiki source of information for everything ARK, the dinosaur survival games from Studio Wildcard! Check out guides, summaries and look for more information coming soon!
ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki - Fandom
What is ARK: Survival Evolved? As a man or woman stranded, naked, freezing, and starving on the unforgiving shores of a mysterious island called ARK, use your skill and cunning to kill or tame and ride the plethora of leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land.
Ark: Survival Evolved
Are you ready to form a tribe, tame and breed hundreds of species of dinosaurs and other primeval creatures, explore, craft, build, and fight your way to the top of the food-chain? Your new world awaits… step through the looking-glass and join it!
Studio Wildcard
ARK II thrusts players into a brutal new world of primitive survival against both beast and man, facing down the ever-present threats of hyper-realistic intelligent dinosaurs, aggressive alien fauna, and the exotic environments of an unearthly planet. Survivors will …
Buy ARK: Survival Evolved - Steam
Survivors will conclude the ARK storyline while adventuring through exotic new worlds with all-new mission-based gameplay. Discover, utilize and master new creatures, new craftable items, weapons, and structures unlike anything you have seen yet! The saga is now complete, and hundreds of hours of new story-oriented ARK gameplay await you!
ARK: Survival Evolved - ARK Official Community Wiki
一款由 Studio Wildcard 工作室開發的原始生存遊戲。 孤身一人蘇醒在空曠的海岸邊,發現自己身處一個充滿恐龍的神秘島嶼“ARK”,你身無寸縷,饑寒交迫,你必須學會打獵、獲取資源, 製作 物品, 種植莊稼, 發展科技, 建立庇護所,從而讓你可以在這個 世界 中存活下去。 同時,你也可以利用技巧殺死或者馴服、繁殖、騎乘那些生活在這片島嶼上的 洪荒巨獸。 你也可以與上百人 建成部落,互相侵略,生存...以及逃離這片孤島! 音樂是由Gareth Coker創作的。 在他 …
BattleMetrics.com - Advanced Server/Player Tracking - ARK
2018年12月22日 · tl;dr: https://www.battlemetrics.com - Alerts, server stats, & search with more to come. their favorite servers and find new places to play. Using our tools, you can stay up. The following are some of the features we've already implemented. All of our features. or a player with a certain name joins or leaves.
方舟最大的特色是每种生物几乎都有它非常独特的能力,听宇已经汇总整理了一部分,生物的可抓取、飞扑、影响、作用清单全部整理在了本页,可以试试配合 全生物索引表 使用^^ 自己动手搭建自己心目中的游戏乐园,目前大家可看到听宇 用UE4制作的游戏介绍和下载 及 方舟创游世界各乐园介绍和下载。 该页面整合了听宇个人汇总制作的部分幻兽帕鲁干货信息,如帕鲁图鉴信息表,Boss信息详情表,其它数据站导航等诸多内容。
ARK 服务器 中国, ARK: Survival Evolved 监控 - Tsarvar
此页面显示最佳 ark 服务器及其所有必要数据:服务器描述、国家、玩家数量、服务器 ip、过去 24 小时的玩家活动等。 您还可以 添加监控 您自己的 ARK 服务器,以便跟踪服务器上玩家的活动,以及与其他人分享您服务器页面的链接。