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Multi50 Arkema 4 : modern architectural lines for a powerful boat
2019年10月21日 · Initiated in September 2018, the construction of the new Multi50 Arkema 4 is progressing on schedule, and the first components are taking shape in the new infrastructures of the Lalou Multi shipyard in Verdon-sur-Mer (33).
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Arkema 4
Le nouveau trimaran Arkema 4 est le fruit de 8 années d’une collaboration étroite et fructueuse entre le groupe Arkema et l’écurie Lalou Multi. Ce partenariat technique et humain est une illustration concrète de notre engagement dans la recherche et le développement de nouveaux matériaux haute performance ou dans
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1 天前 · Building on its unique set of expertise in materials science, Arkema designs materials to address the ever-growing demand for innovative and sustainable materials
阿科玛 - 百度百科
阿科玛在全球共有15家研发中心,1,600多名研发人员 [8] ,阿科玛的创新成果在业界备受认可,自2011年来,阿科玛连续多年入选Clarivate Analytics(原汤森路透知识产权与科技事业部)发布的全球百强创新企业榜单 [1] [4] [12] ;2020年,荣登《华尔街日报》全球可持续管理 ...
Arkema 4 Trimaran: Driving today's testing towards tomorrow's innovation
2019年12月12日 · An innovative, versatile and sharp-looking yacht for Quentin Vlamynck The brand new Arkema 4 was launched in the water this morning outside the Lalou Multi Composite shipyard in Port Bloc in the Gironde region, after one year of painstaking work.
阿科玛集团概览 | 中国阿科玛 - Arkema
阿科玛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿科玛(法语: Arkema S.A. )是一家法国化工公司,总部位于法国巴黎附近的科隆布 [2] 。
尼龙 (聚酰胺)弹性体|聚醚酰胺嵌段共聚物|Pebax ... - Arkema
高性能生物基可再生可循环Pebax ® Rnew ® 系列产品. 源自蓖麻,与Pebax ® 弹性体性能相同. Pebax ® Rnew ® 系列产品部分生物基,可再生,其生物基原材料与Rilsan ® PA11 相同。 Pebax ® Rnew ® 是聚酰胺聚醚嵌段共聚物,其聚酰胺嵌段是PA11,标准的Pebax ® 规格聚酰胺嵌段则是PA12。. 源自蓖麻籽的蓖麻油是合成 ...
Arkema - Wikipedia
Arkema S.A. is a publicly listed, multi-national manufacturer of specialty materials, headquartered in Colombes, near Paris, France. It has three specialty materials segments (or divisions); adhesives , advanced materials and coatings .
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