BMD2-Pack by Red Hammer Studios addon - ARMA 2 - ModDB
ARMA 2 is a hardcore military simulator that allows the player to carry out the many different roles of a soldier in combat zones. Its campaign takes place in the 225 square-kilometre fictional ex …
Red Hammer Studios - rhsmods.org
The BMD-1 Боевая Машина Десанта (Combat Vehicle of the Airborne) is a Soviet Airborne tracked infantry fighting vehicle. It has amphibious capabilities and can be air-dropped by …
[APM] RHS:AFRF Vehicle Identification Guide - Steam Community
2017年8月24日 · BMD's can be considered lighter and faster versions of the BMP, with just as deadly of an armanent. However, the BMD doesnt not have a passenger compartment. ZSU's …
BMD-1, Arma Models AM14403 (2024) - Scalemates
Arma Models model kit in scale 1:144, AM14403 is a NEW tool released in 2024 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | BMD-1
RHS BMD-2 1.6 file - ModDB
2011年5月2日 · The BMD-2 AFV in various different versions. This addon requires: - Arma 2: Combined Operations v1.52 or higher - RHS Decals v1.1.
RHS is known for countless releases of high quality work for OFP, Armed Assault and Arma 2. Here you will find info about our upcomming releases and of course our previously released …
[Mod question] Are there any mods with BMD-3s? : r/arma - Reddit
2023年3月25日 · RHSAFRF - you can use BMD-4 with the turret of a bmp 2 in a similar configuration You can try making a composition with that in the wain of something like this: …
How do I aim RHS BMP-1 and BMD 1. : r/arma - Reddit
2016年6月13日 · Left scale is for PG15V (HEAT), right is for OG15V (HE-FRAG). HEAT is primarily used against light armored targets and HE-FRAG against infantry. HEAT has a far …
BMD 1 Pack - ARMA - Bohemia Interactive Forums
2009年2月23日 · I used a temp addon folder with only your bmd and default arma 1.14 & 1.15beta and it locks up when getting in an empty bmd. Weird! I'm using latest nVidia drivers …
OPFOR APC/IFV Fire Control Systems - FK Gaming
2020年5月31日 · The BMD-1R features an 80mm MLRS 12 rocket HEAT-FRAG battery with a white cross reticle that estimates the point of impact. In order to correctly fire it: Aim the white …