Lift trucks | Armanni
A global presence Our network of dealers is continuously expanding. Contact us to learn about Armanni dealers in your Country or to become a dealer.
Armani.com - Official Website | Armani
Visit the Armani official website and explore the Armani universe: the history, values, and timeless style of the Maison. Discover all collections.
Armani®是世界知名奢侈品牌,1975年由时尚设计大师乔治·阿玛尼创立于意大利米兰,以使用新型面料及优良制作而闻名。Armani®中国官网已升级上线,欢迎点击进入阿玛尼的世界,选购官方正 …
Lift trucks and pallet trucks | Armanni
The Armanni product line is comprehensive, offering a wide range of capacities and lifting heights. It includes everything from manual lift trucks to fully electronic ones, as well as single or …
| Armanni
A wide range of ”: Armanni provides equipments for the goods handling, customized for particular needs. Discover all the solutions!
Fragrances, Makeup, Skincare & Gifts | Armani Beauty
Explore the world of beauty with the Official Armani Beauty website. Luxury fragrances, makeup, gifts and skincare for women and men with expert tips.
意大利阿曼尼 (ARMANNI)叉车公司 - chinaforklift.com
Armanni (阿玛尼)位于意大利伦巴第大区工业中心 Albino (BG) 的现代化总部占地 15,000 平方米,Armanni Carrelli Elevatori 生产一系列叉车和转运托盘,能够满足从工匠公司到大型工业的各 …
阿玛尼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1957年,阿瑪尼進入了義大利著名精品百貨連鎖店La Rinascente工作。他在這家百貨公司當過一陣助理攝影師,後來進入了公司的設計室。那段時間,他從印度、日本和美國購買優質產品, …
ARMANI BEAUTY亞曼尼官網|精品彩妝、香水、頂級保養
歡迎進入Giorgio Armani精品美妝的華麗國度。提供風靡全世界的時尚化妝品、香水、頂級保養,亞曼尼專櫃品牌,邀請您一同盡情妝點容顏,盡顯自在優雅。
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