MOS 67J - United States of America Service Academy Forums
2010年11月8日 · Pros: 67J's actually spend a disproportionate amount of their company grade time actually at the company compared to a 15A (normal AV officer) because of the way that a MEDEVAC company is set up (O4s are COs, O3 are PLs, LTs serve as section leaders) which allows them sometimes to build flight hours faster than their 15A peers.
MOS 67J (Medevac) Army National Guard only? - General Military ...
2012年6月15日 · First off. Hello. My name is Corey. I want to be an army aviator. I am slightly confused. First is the Army National Guard the only units who fly medevac? Second, can a army aviator submit an application for 67J? or is the only way to be considered for 67J is by coming up through MSC and being sponsored through flight school?
What do 67J's or 15A's typically major in?
2017年5月28日 · For the Army, your major does not matter. Your GPA is more important, as well as your SIFT score, results of your flight physical, where you fall on the order of merit list, and finally the needs of the Army. For example, my brother is an Army Warrant Officer and flies UH-60s as a MedEvac pilot. He is only a high school graduate.
New AR 670-1 Regimental Affiliation question
2015年5月7日 · I have a question I was wondering if I could get some confirmation on. When I was promoted after WOCS I had lost my Regimental Affiliation with my last unit I was stationed with as enlisted. I would like to get this back. According to multiple people I have talked to, and from reading the new AR ...
Just Branched Aviation! BOLC Dates? - General Military Helicopter ...
2014年12月2日 · In all reality, he's right about getting appointed as a Warrant. If you want to fly, go Warrant; Hands down
Army ROTC Second Board 2025 (January) | Page 48 | United States …
2024年10月25日 · My current applicant did not receive a scholarship for the first board and today learned of a 3-year offer as well. Their application this year was materially better than my other child who received a 4 yr on the first board just 3 years ago. I think we may have found out how the Army is attacking their budget situation. Not sour grapes.
Army ROTC Second Board 2025 (January) | Page 18 | United States …
2025年2月14日 · Post in thread 'Army ROTC Second Board 2025 (January)' Feb 13, 2025 As a retired officer with 24 years of Army service watching this as my daughter waits to hear about the scholarship I offer up a couple of thoughts that I have shared with my daughter.
Army ROTC Second Board 2025 (January) | Page 6 | United States …
2024年10月31日 · Very uncertain about my son, although he has 7 varsity letters (4 for lacrosse and 3 for football), he did pretty good with the PT but did not max out. He is a 3.90 weighted and 3.58 unweighted. He had a 29 on the ACT. Does anyone have any experience with this to let me know his chances?
Army ROTC Second Board 2025 (January) | Page 23 | United States …
2024年7月8日 · My son has applied to the AF as well as the Army but they only have two boards that correlate closely to the Army’s 1st and 2nd boards. The bulk share of DOD scholarships are awarded to the Army. At the schools I’m familiar with the Army makes up approximately 50%, and the other three branches hold the other 50%.
How tough is it to receive a scholarship this year? - AROTC.
2024年11月30日 · Army ROTC schoarships aren’t as competitive as you would think. Not sure why you think the elections would effect the number of scholarships this year…but OK. Approximately 12k apply for Army ROTC scholarships each year. Approximately 9K complete their packet and are boarded. Approximately 3K offers are made each year, so a 1 in 3 chance.