882A - Mobility Officer - U.S. Army Recruiting Command
2024年6月17日 · 882A - Mobility Officer. Duties: Plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Coordinate deployment and distribution actions with...
882A Transportation Mobility Warrant Officer - United States Army
Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. 882As...
Transportation Corps Warrant Officer - United States Army
Mobility Warrant Officer (MOS 882A). Individual must serve as a mobility warrant officer at the detachment, battalion, or brigade/group level. Development and broadening assignments. The CW2s...
Army National Guard
882A Mobility Officer. Plan, organize and supervise the movement, deployment and redeployment of Guard personnel and equipment.
2022年8月23日 · 8-011A. Branch/MOS immaterial 011A directly with specific branch or MOS as described in this regulation. Branch/MOS immaterial applies to those positions within the Army where duties require a...
U.S. Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort …
Transportation Figure 3, below, shows the career development models of the Marine Deck Officer (880A), the Marine Engineering Officer (881A), and Mobility Warrant Officer (882A). Transportation...
Army 882A Mobility Warrant Officer: An Overview
An Army 882A Mobility Warrant Officer is a Warrant Officer who specializes in mobility systems and transportation operations, particularly in relation to the movement of equipment, supplies, and personnel in combat or operational environments.
MOS 882A US Army Mobility Officer
Directs and coordinates the implementation of Global Transportation Network. Performs duties in preceding skill levels; performs as technical advisor to higher echelons of command and allied armies on transportation matters.
Army-Portal.com - Army Jobs - MOS 882A Mobility Officer
2011年2月26日 · Mobility Officer (MOS 882A) Description / Major Duties: Plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Coordinate deployment and distribution actions with multinational, joint, Army, and commercial agencies. Prepare and validate deployment and redeployment plans, orders, and SOPs.
Marine - Feeder MOS List - U.S. Army Recruiting Command
Basic qualifications to apply to become a Warrant Officer in the United States Army. AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED APPLICANTS, NO FEEDER JOB REQUIRED. Review the Waiver/ETP page to determine if a...