Go Beyond RNA | Arraystar
Arraystar uses cutting edge science, state of the art technologies, and innovative products to empower biomedical science researchers. We provide comprehensive and systematic analysis for expression profiling and for the regulation of RNAs, especially the …
Microarrays | Arraystar
Arraystar GlycoRNA Array. Discover the Pivotal Roles of Glycosylated RNAs in Cancer and Disease. Download PDF
Arraystar产品/试剂-康成生物丨数谱生物 - aksomics
美国Arraystar公司是一家专业为生命医学科学研究人员提供基础研究服务、产品和试剂的公司,专注于非编码RNA和表观遗传研究,成功推出了lncRNA芯片、circRNA芯片、miRNA PCR芯片、表观遗传芯片等。
circRNA ID转换 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
目前 GEO 里面的circRNA表达谱数据,绝大多数用的是Arraystar Human CircRNA microarray。大家都知道一般芯片数据都有自己的内部ID,而这个ID号如果没有详细的注释文件是没办法跟其他外部数据库中的ID进行对应的。
CircRNA Array - Arraystar
Arraystar Circular RNA Arrays, systematically profiling the expression of circular RNAs, are the only commercially available tool to most effectively profile, analyze and explore this new and exciting world of noncoding RNAs. We offer the specialized Circular RNA array service, from sample to publishable data!
ArrayStar | DNASTAR
ArrayStar, part of Lasergene Genomics, provides advanced filtering tools, robust statistical analyses, and rich, graphical views that allow you to effortlessly isolate gene or variant sets of interest and identify their biological significance. Explore gene ontology to discover how SNPs and small indels may impact gene function, or to identify ...
circRNA芯片分析的一般流程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Arraystar公司在全球首款circRNA芯片基础上迅即升级版本为V2.0。 其circRNA来源融合了环状RNA研究的最新顶尖文献,所有cicrRNA都经过了严谨的实验验证,以便于对不同生理及病理条件下的circRNA进行系统的研究。
Arraystar 表观转录组芯片 - 生物通
Arraystar表观转录组芯片结合双色荧光芯片标记系统和RNA修饰免疫共沉淀技术,对每个RNA转录本异构体的修饰百分比进行定量,对于MeRIP-seq很难检测到的 RNA类型(比如lncRNA和circRNA),芯片也具有良好的灵敏度和精确性。
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Profiling Using Arraystar LncRNA ...
Arraystar LncRNA microarrays are designed for global gene expression profiling of both LncRNAs and mRNAs on the same array. The array contents feature comprehensive collections of LncRNAs and include entire sets of known coding mRNAs. Each RNA transcript is detected by a splice junction-specific pro …
LncRNA Array - Arraystar
Arraystar LncRNA Arrays are designed to systematically profile long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) along with the entire set of protein-coding mRNAs. They are the best tool for profiling LncRNAs, overcoming many limitations of RNA-seq for lncRNAs often at low abundance.