Examples of CBA 2 work - Curriculum Online
For CBA2, the students were exploring, researching and experimenting within the Art and Craft strands. This resource is an Article content type. Example 05: Theme - My Environment
Visual Art - Curriculum Online
The curriculum sets out clear expectations for students, across the three integrated strands of Art, Craft and Design. To access the curriculum specification, assessment guidelines, examples of student work as well as the Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design syllabus, which will end in 2019, click on the graphic.
• Indicate the two Visual Art strands through which they will primarily generate their realised works. • Research and explore their initial ideas • Engage with the elements of Visual Art (critical and visual language, drawing, visual culture and appreciation, the art elements and design principles and media)
Visual Art CBA 2 - Twinkl
The Art CBA 2 or classroom-based assessment 2 is designed to encourage students to ‘Communicate and Reflect’ on the work they have completed throughout their time on the art course. Students focus on a specific theme that is communicated by the SEC (State Examinations Commission) each year.
Visual Art | Assessment | Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT)
The aim of this workshop is to up-skill teacher's facilitation skills, to understand the fundamentals of the SLAR process and to aid them in preparing, implementing and reflecting on the SLAR process.
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Visual Art - JCT
Visual Art. 1. These Features of Quality are Draft and, as such, may be revised following their use with authentic pieces of student work. The revised FOQs will be published in an updated edition of this document in Spring 2020. Deciding on the level of achievement in CBA 2 . Features of Quality: Communicate and Reflect. 1
Junior Cycle Visual Art Classroom Based Assessment 2 This Classroom-Based Assessment was created in the school year 2020-21 and was guided by what was deemed practical and safe at the time in line with public health advice. Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Communicate and Reflect Example of Student Work 02
Important Announcement: 2024/25 Themes and Briefs - Oide
Important Announcement: Visual Art, Brief for Classroom-Based Assessment 2 and Final Assessment and Circular S51/24. For 2024/2025 third year students the themes for CBA2 and final assessment are available now on the States examination commision website.
Visual Art, Home Economics, Music, Applied Technology, Engineering, Graphics and Wood Technology must complete CBA 2. In Visual Art, one CBA must usually be presented in 3D. This requirement is waived for students in third year in 2023/24. In Physical Education short course, students in third year in 2023/24 are required to complete a
ART Students should be able to: 1.3 critique an artwork using critical and visual language. 1.4 demonstrate how they use drawing to observe, record and analyse the human figure and the world around them. 1.6 use drawings to communicate their personal outlook or understanding. 1.8 discuss examples of historical and contemporary visual art.
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