Arowana - Wikipedia
Arowanas are freshwater bony fish of the subfamily Osteoglossinae, also known as bony tongues[1] (the latter name is now often reserved for Arapaiminae). [2] . In this family of fish, the head is bony and the elongated body is covered by large, heavy scales, with a …
Asian arowana - Wikipedia
Native to Southeast Asia, Asian arowanas inhabit blackwater rivers, slow-moving waters flowing through forested swamps and wetlands. Adults feed on other fish, while juveniles feed on insects. [9] These popular aquarium fish have special cultural significance in …
12 Jenis Ikan Arwana Beserta Harga dan Gambarnya - IkanPedia
2023年5月17日 · Tergantung pada sistem klasifikasi yang digunakan, ada 10 jenis arwana yang biasa dipelihara sebagai ikan hias peliharaan; 4 dari Asia, 3 dari Amerika Selatan, 2 dari Australia dan 1 dari Afrika. Ikan arwana (Osteoglossidae) adalah ikan yang sangat terkenal dan populer di kalangan penggemar ikan hias.
13 Beautiful Types of Arowana: Price, Rarity & Care
2024年1月8日 · In this article, I will break down numerous types of Arowana, including their care requirements, price, and more. Arowanas, often referred to as “dragon fish,” require specific care to thrive in captivity. Here are some general guidelines for keeping Arowanas successful: Spacious Tank: Arowanas grow large and are active swimmers.
Arowana Fish: Care, Diet, size, & More - Next Aquarium
2023年11月29日 · The Arowanas are beautiful freshwater fish belonging to the subfamily Osteoglossinae. This family are known as bony tongue fish because of the structure of their mouth. Arowana, same as other species in this family, has a bony head and a body that is covered in hard overlapping scales.
Arowana Fish: Identification, Facts, Care Guide, & Pictures
2024年3月6日 · One of the most curious characteristics of this fish are its mouth. It opens in three pieces and looks similar to a loading barge, definitely indicative of its predatory nature and appetite. The two distinctive barbels at the tip of the lower jaw are great sensory devices.
Ikan Arwana: Karakteristik dan Panduan Perawatan - IkanPedia
2023年5月17日 · Ikan Arwana (Osteoglossinae) adalah ikan predator air tawar yang memiliki ciri-ciri fisik yang khas, termasuk tubuh panjang, sirip punggung yang mencolok, dan sisik tulang yang mengkilap. Mereka dikenal karena keberuntungan dan nilai budaya yang mereka simboliskan, serta kemampuan lompatan yang mengesankan dan umur yang panjang.
Arowana Care: Compelete Guide On Types, Tank Size, Diet & More
2024年2月20日 · Arowana (also known as dragon fish) are awesome monster fish that don’t only look the part, they act the part. And providing optimal care is key to seeing them flourish. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly how to do that. Arowanas are a species of fish that are part of the ancient family of osteoglossidae.
Jenis Ikan Arwana Asia dan ciri-cirinya - Arwana Wiki
2014年12月18日 · Ikan arwana Asia ditetapkan sebagai Ikan yang mendapatkan perlindungan tertinggi oleh Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis arwana Asia tersebut:
Top Facts on Arowana Fish - Aquarium Passion
Also referred to in Bahasa (Indonesian) as “Ikan Arwana” or “Nirwana,” meaning “fish of paradise.” Temperament: Highly aggressive. Size: ~3ft. Care Difficulty: Advanced. Water Parameters: 75-85°F with PH between 7.0-7.5. Minimum Tank Size: 200-250 gallons for a single full-grown fish