British Aerospace 146 - Wikipedia
With 387 aircraft produced, the Avro RJ/BAe 146 is the most successful British civil jet airliner program. [1] The BAe 146/Avro RJ is a high-wing cantilever monoplane with a T-tail. It has four geared turbofan engines mounted on pylons underneath the wings, and has a …
Aircraft – Arvo RJ85 - Northwest Airlines History Center
NWA got around this issue by taking out seats and installing a First Class section – resulting in capacity of only 69. With that resolution, Northwest ordered 12 Avro RJ85s in October 1996 for deliveries to begin in April 1997, to be operated by its partner Mesaba.
BAE Avro RJ - Airport Technology
BAE Systems Regional Aircraft is offering a refit of the jet with new interior designed by Design Q of the UK. The Avro RJ regional jet family extends from 70 to over 100 seats. The three variants of regional jet are RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100, which have different cabin lengths, but complete engineering and operational commonality.
Avro RJ85 - Summit Air
The AVRO RJ85 is a 90 seat short-to-medium haul, pressurized passenger jet, offering modern, efficient operations on sectors up to 1500 nautical miles.
Avro International Aerospace - Wikipedia
Avro International Aerospace was a British aircraft manufacturer formed in 1993 by British Aerospace to consolidate production of the British Aerospace 146 at Woodford Aerodrome near Manchester. [1] . The company produced new variants of the 146 with updated engines and avionics as the Avro RJ70, Avro RJ85 and Avro RJ100 regional jets. [1]
BAE SYSTEMS AVRO RJ-85 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Avroliner 85 signifies for 85 passengers. Successor of the BAe-146-200. Production was switched to RJ 85 in 1993. The RJ85 features an improved cabin and the more efficient LF 507's. Total of 87 aircraft were built. 4 x 31.15 kN Textron Lycoming LF 507 turbofans. Short range regional airliner. Avroliner 85 signifies for 85 passengers.
Which Operators Still Fly Avro RJ Aircraft? - Simple Flying
2024年5月16日 · According to present scheduling data made available by Cirium, an aviation analytics company, there are 3,803 passenger flights scheduled to be operated by the Avro RJ85 this year. Collectively, these services are set to offer grand totals of 311,846 seats and 62,302,698 available seat miles (ASMs).
GE航空的“小硬汉”发动机:今年65周岁,还将服役20年 - 知乎
J85直径约18英寸(46厘米),长45英寸(110厘米),自重396-421磅(180-191千克),推重比达8:1,多年来J85的推重比在航空发动机中都是最高的。 因此,在GE航空内部被称为“小硬汉”。 有多小? 汽车改装党经常在二手市场淘换J85,把它装在他们的皮卡上。 在军用飞机中,J85装备最多的 诺斯罗普公司 的轻型战斗机 F-5 “虎”和喷气式教练机T-38“禽爪”。 虽然美国空军已选定由波音/萨博合作研发的新一代喷气式教练机 T-7A “红鹰”,但T-38C“禽爪”仍然会服役到2040年, …
Aircraft Guide: BAe RJ85 - AvPay
2022年9月15日 · The Avro RJ series are upgraded developments of the BAe-146 family (see separate entry), and like the 146 was built in three fuselage length variants, the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. In 1990 British Aerospace first offered the improved RJ70 and RJ80, both of which were based on the 146-100.
Avro/BAe 146 / Avro RJ70, RJ85, RJ100 - passenger
A total of 221 were built until 1994, when the design was re-engineered and renamed Avro and included more powerful Allied Signal LF 507 engines (the series designations RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100 replaced previous Bae 146-100, 200 and 300, respectively). A total of 166 Avro-liner examples were produced until 2001. Do you have any comments?