Harwin Strong - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Harwin Strong, known as Breakbones, was a knight from House Strong and the heir to Harrenhal. He also served as a captain in the City Watch of King's Landing. The rumored lover of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Harwin is believed by some to have been the real father of her three sons with her first husband Ser Laenor Velaryon, (Jacaerys, Lucerys ...
Harwin Strong | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Ser Harwin Strong, popularly called Breakbones, was a knight of House Strong. He was the eldest son and heir of Lord Lyonel Strong of Harrenhal and the brother of Larys Strong.[5] Harwin is the heir to Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros. He is …
哈尔温·斯壮 - 冰与火之歌中文维基 | 权力的游戏中文维基 - 灰 …
哈尔温·斯壮(Harwin Strong) 爵士,绰号碎骨人,是血龙狂舞爆发前斯壮家族的继承人。他是赫伦堡公爵莱昂诺·斯壮的长子、拉里斯·斯壮的哥哥。他曾是都城守备队的一名队长。
Ser Harwin Strong's Death Explained: Why He Got Killed Off In …
2024年6月23日 · Ser Harwin Strong met a blazing end in House of the Dragon, but why did he die? By Nathan Johnson Posted: June 23, 2024 House of the Dragon Season 1 killed off one of its most important characters, Harwin Strong, out of nowhere.
Harwin Strong | A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki | Fandom
Ser Harwin Strong, also known as Breakbones, was an anointed knight of House Strong and served for a time as a captain in the City Watch of King's Landing. He was the eldest son and heir of Lord Lyonel Strong and the older brother of Lord …
House of the Dragon: What Happened to Harwin Strong?
2024年8月8日 · Ser Harwin “Breakbones” Strong, as the name suggests, is revered for being the strongest man in Westeros. In George R.R. Martin’s novel Fire & Blood, he’s portrayed as a fierce protector and a...
House of the Dragon: Who is Harwin Strong? Actor's previous …
2022年9月19日 · Harwin Strong is a knight and heir to Harrenhall, which is the seat of House Strong in Westeros. Nicknamed “breakbones”, he is said to be the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms at the time of...
Harwin Strong - Hielo y Fuego Wiki
Ser Harwin Strong, apodado Machacahuesos, fue un caballero de la Casa Strong durante el reinado de Viserys I Targaryen. Sirvió en la Guardia de la Ciudad de Desembarco del Rey. Según los rumores de la época, Harwin fue amante de la princesa Rhaenyra y el supuesto padre de sus tres hijos mayores…
Harwin Strong - Il Trono di Spade Wiki
Ser Harwin Strong, anche conosciuto come Spezzaossa (Breakbones) e Ossa Spezzate, è un cavaliere della Casa Strong e l'erede di Harrenhal. Serve in qualità di capitano nella Guardia Cittadina di Approdo del Re. Presunto amante di Rhaenyra Targaryen, è da taluni ritenuto il vero padre dei primi...
Harwin Strong - Gelo e Fogo wiki
Sor Harwin Strong, conhecido como Quebraossos, foi um cavaleiro da Casa Strong e herdeiro de Harrenhal. Ele também serviu como capitão da Patrulha da Cidade de Porto Real. Existia rumores que Harwin era amante da princesa Rhaenyra Targaryen e que ele seria o pai dos três primeiros filhos dela, (Jacaerys, Lucerys e Joffrey Velaryon).