The Aldo-Keto Reductases (AKRs): Overview - PMC
AKR Superfamily Tree. Dendrogram of AKR families 1–12. The dendrogram was generated in ClustalX using a random number generator seed of 111 and 1000 bootstrap trials .. <40% sequence identity defines proteins from different families and >60% sequence identity identifies a sub-family within a family. 2. Enzymological Properties
Aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily website and database: An …
2024年8月1日 · The aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily is a large family of proteins found across the kingdoms of life. Shared features of the family include 1) structural similarities such as an (α/β) 8-barrel structure, disordered loop structure, cofactor binding site, and a catalytic tetrad, and 2) the ability to catalyze the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) reduced (NAD(P)H)-dependent ...
Plant aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) as multi-tasking soldiers …
2015年5月1日 · A new plant AKR member, perakine reductase (PR) from Rauvolfia serpentina was reported to be the first plant AKR member involved in the biosynthesis of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. Expression, purification and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of PR crystals have also been reported ( Rosenthal et al., 2006 , Sun et al., 2008 ).
上海交大林双君、戴少波、张健团队合作揭示新型醛酮还原酶亚家 …
2024年3月11日 · 早期的一些研究发现不同配体结合会对akr的稳定性产生不同的影响,暗示其中可能存在变构调节,但是缺乏结构和生化等支撑证据。 本研究作者在tylosin产生菌中挖掘出一个NADPH依赖的底物广谱性醛酮还原酶AKRtyl,序列分析显示该酶属于一个新的醛酮还原酶亚家族 ...
AKR CRISPR 质粒 | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
AKR gene silencers are available as AKR CRISPR/Cas9 敲除质粒和 AKR 双切口酶质粒。 AKR 我们也提供 CRISPR/dCas9 激活质粒和 CRISPR 慢病毒激活系统。 基因沉默和激活作为有效的基因研究工具,可以与检测蛋白的抗体产品配合使用。
The aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily: an update
2001年1月30日 · Interestingly, AKR families 1–5 cluster as one major branch with the remainder of the families clustering as a second major branch. The evolutionary significance of this branching is unclear. The widespread occurrence of AKRs in different biological kingdoms would suggest that this is an ancient enzyme superfamily and that new protein ...
Aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily: Genomics and annotation
The protein-based AKR nomenclature allows unambiguous identification of a given enzyme but does not reflect the wealth of genomic and transcriptomic variation that exists in the various databases. In this context, identification of putative new AKRs and their distinction from pseudogenes are challenging.
宾夕法尼亚大学最新研究:醛酮还原酶 (AKR) 超家族网站和数 …
2024年6月13日 · 本次更新不仅提供了最新的akr超家族成员信息,还改进了其分类和命名系统,使得科研人员能够更加便捷地访问和利用这些资源。 此外,通过提供详细的生物信息学分析结果,新网站和数据库有助于加速AKR超家族相关研究的进展,尤其是在药物设计和生物工程 ...
AKR 社区
AKR 社区 ... akr 社区 ...
Structural and Functional Biology of Aldo-Keto Reductase Steroid ...
AKR Inhibitors as Chemical Probes and Therapeutics. Inhibitors of human steroid-transforming AKR enzymes are sought both as chemical probes to distinguish their roles in pathophysiology from other steroidogenic enzymes as well as potential therapeutics. One potential challenge is AKR isoform specificity because AKR1C1 to AKR1C4 exhibit 86% ...
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