AS FUCK在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
AS FUCK的意思、解释及翻译:1. a rude phrase used for emphasizing something 2. a rude phrase used for emphasizing something。了解更多。
phrase requests - What's a less profane alternative to "as f**k ...
2014年11月3日 · As fuck is a common way to end sentences in slang language — for example, "I'm drunk as fuck." What is the formal (appropriate) equivalent phrase that gives the exact same meaning and sounds just as befitting? I do apologize if …
as fuck - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年12月5日 · (postpositive, slang, vulgar, simile) To a great extent or degree; very, extremely, incredibly. It was hot as fuck outside today. I'm over here stroking my dick. I got lotion on my …
AS FUCK | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
AS FUCK definition: 1. a rude phrase used for emphasizing something 2. a rude phrase used for emphasizing something. Learn more.
为什么英美人喜欢说「Fuck you」,而不说「Fuck your mother …
Fuck一字的用法千变万化,它集各种词性于一身: 即是动词,也是名词和感叹词;加上-ing更摇身一变成为百搭的形容词和副词。 很多英文日常短语都可以用fucking加强语气,例如: Oh my God! 可说成 Oh my fucking God! None of your business.可说成 None of your fucking business. Holy shit! 可说成 Holy fucking shit! fuck up:把事情弄得一团糟,把人弄得头昏脑涨东西弄得一团糟。 可以用委婉的screw up替代,更为文明的说法是mess up。 男人被女友甩后便一蹶不振,就可 …
"Single as f*ck"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文)的問題
Yes, AF means "as fuck" or "very". "AF" is mainly used by adolescents and children, many of whom don't realize that it is vulgar. Therefore, they will say it in front of their parents, teacher or priest. They just think they are being cool. Some say "A pause F". Others say "af" "I'm sleepy as fuck" works. Fuck is just an intensifier.
A.S.F: What does ASF mean in Internet?As F**k
2025年2月5日 · ASF stands for As Fk**, an internet slang term used to emphasize the intensity of a situation, emotion, or action. It is often used as an intensifier or expletive, similar to the term "very" or "really".
"Tired as fuck"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Tired as fuckVery very tired. 的定义
FKMods服务器更换公告 - 哔哩哔哩
FK从最初开放注册到现在的苟延残喘,总伴随着一些不和谐的声音,例如FK只是一个不搬运资源的3、9dm。 又或者认为FK只是N网的“翻译”,反正FK有的资源,N网也有。
【網路用詞】af、afk、tfw、ikr 是什麼意思? 來一次搞懂! – 英文庫
af 全文是 as fuck,表示「非常地… 、 極其地…」,比 very 的語氣強烈,且更加地口語。 外國人在日常中還滿常使用 af 的,像是傳訊息、社群發文裡,可以用來表達正面或負面的情緒,這個用法就有點類似中文會用「ㄍㄢˋ」或是「真他X的…」,這樣就懂了齁 🤣。 af 通常會接在形容詞後面修飾,會以 全部大寫 為主。 Look at the man’s car. It’s cool AF. 看看那個男人的車,真是酷斃了! It is hot AF today. 今天真是熱爆了! My ex keeps calling me. He is annoying AF. 我前男友一直 …