25 Similes for Ugly - Phrase Dictionary
2022年12月31日 · “As ugly as a scarecrow” – This simile compares the appearance of something to a scarecrow, which are typically made to look shabby and unkempt in order to scare birds away from crops. “As ugly as a dirt clod” – This simile compares the appearance of something to a clod of dirt, which is typically dull, brown, and unappealing in ...
25 Similes for Ugly
2024年9月21日 · By using similes like “ugly as a toad” or “like a stain on a white shirt,” we can vividly convey our thoughts and feelings. Practicing these similes helps us improve our language skills and make our writing more engaging.
What is the Simile for as ugly as? - Answers
2025年2月4日 · The simile "as ugly as" is a figure of speech used to compare something to something else that is considered extremely unattractive or unpleasant. Similes are a type of metaphor that use "like"...
ugly as..., adj. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
(US) used in combs. meaning very ugly or unwell-looking. J.K. Paulding John Bull in America 302: The women all as ugly as sin. D. Crockett Narrative of the Life of D.C. (1934) 39: She was as ugly as a stone fence. T. Haliburton Season Ticket 194: The other [daughter] is as ugly as sin.
Similes - englishdaily626.com
A simile makes a direct comparison: U : as ugly as a bear ( as an ape ): as unfeeling as rocks: as ugly as a scarecrow: as unhappy as King Lear: as ugly as sin: as universal as seasickness: as ugly as a toad: as universal as light: as unapproachable as a star: as unmerciful as the billows: as unattractive as a gargoyle: as unprofitable as smoke: as uncertain as …
as ugly as | English examples in context - Ludwig
"as ugly as" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to compare two things by suggesting that one is as bad or worse than the other. Example: "That painting is as ugly as a …
As ugly as sin - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Extremely visually displeasing or unattractive. This old car is all beat up and ugly as sin, but it's still going strong after all these years. I'm sure I looked as ugly as sin by that point, with my makeup smeared all over the place and my hair a total mess. Well, this wallpaper obviously has to go—it's ugly as sin!
Ugly - Collection at Bartleby.com
Ugly. Ugly as a scarecrow. —Anonymous. Ugly as sin. —Anonymous. As ugly as were ever born of mud. —Thomas Carlyle. Ugly as the devil. —Henry Fielding. Ugly as the devil’s dam. —Richard Flecknoe. Ugly as a bear. —William Shakespeare. Ugly as apes. —Paulus Syllogus. Ugly as a worn-out cabhorse. —Anton Chekhov. Ugly as the angel ...
as ugly as example sentences - Use as ugly as in a sentence - bab.la
See how to use as ugly as in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word as ugly as.
As ugly as a toad - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Extremely unattractive or visually displeasing. A: "Why would anyone want to date me? I'm as ugly as a toad!" B: "Hey, now, that's just not true! Plus, you're an incredibly smart, funny, and sweet person!" Everyone keeps hailing the building's design as some innovative and daring artistic statement, but I think it looks ugly as a toad.