AS21 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), South Korea - Army Technology
2024年6月28日 · The AS21 Redback is an advanced infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) proposed by South Korean company Hanwha Defense for the Australian Army. The IFV will provide superior mobility and complete protection against ballistic, mine and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats.
K21 - Wikipedia
The AS21 Redback was tested in Poland at the end of October 2022 as a potential heavy IFV to serve alongside the lighter, amphibious Borsuk. [24] On November 29, 2022 at the Polish-Korean Defense Industry Cooperation Conference, Hanwha proposed to co-develop a Redback-based heavy IFV with HSW.
Hanwha AS21 Redback Represents Latest Generation of IFV in the …
2023年10月18日 · Constructed by Hanwha Aerospace, the AS21 Redback is segmented into three primary components: the hull, turret, and powerpack. The hull's design prioritizes protection, incorporating modular armor to shield against diverse threats, including mines, IEDs, and kinetic energy projectiles.
澳大利亚采购129辆AS21步兵战车 韩国企业凭一手攒车功夫拿大 …
2023年7月29日 · 7月27日,澳大利亚政府宣布与韩华防务澳大利亚分公司(Hanwha Defense Australia)签订合同,采购129辆AS21“红背蜘蛛”步兵战车。 韩华集团研制的AS21“红背蜘蛛(Redback)”步兵战车正式赢得澳大利亚陆军“LAND 400”计划第三阶段为期五年的招标,他们将为澳大利亚陆军提供一种先进的履带式步兵战车。 澳大利亚国防工业部长帕特·康罗伊在一份新闻稿中表示:“澳大利亚政府已经选择了韩华防务澳大利亚分公司作为提供129辆澳大利亚陆军步 …
澳洲选用韩国AS21「红蜘蛛」步兵战车 并获授权生产
2023年7月27日 · 澳洲陆军确定选择韩国韩华系统公司(Hanwha Systems)设计的AS21「红蜘蛛」(Redback) 步兵战车,做为将来步兵的主要载具与火力支援车,以应对不断变化的 ...
总价值40亿美元!韩华防务赢得澳大利亚陆军新型步兵战车采购订 …
2023年12月9日 · 当天澳方就与韩华防务澳大利亚分公司(Hanwha Defense Australia)签署了129辆AS-21的采购合同。 韩华航空航天总裁兼首席执行官孙宰日(Jae-il Son)表示,韩华很高兴看到“红背蜘蛛”步兵战车合同现在已经生效,可以交付这种世界领先的能力。
韩华未来战斗车AS21「红蜘蛛」 交给澳洲陆军测评 - 军事 - 中时 …
2020年7月28日 · 澳洲正在进行「Land 400」 下一代步兵战斗车的挑选,而韩华系统公司 (Hanwha Systems)所设计研发的AS21「红蜘蛛」 (Redback),相当有机会得标,韩华公司已将两轮AS21,交付给澳洲陆军进行测评。 韩华公司对于AS21的性能相当有自信,声称装甲步兵战车技术,将掀起一场革命。 防卫部落格 (Defence-Blog)报导,7月24日,韩华公司在昌原市...
Hanwha AS21 Redback: Photos, History, Specification
The Australian model is called AS21 "Redback", named after the Australian native spider species. The AS21 was unveiled at the Ground Forces Show 2018, showing a conventional track drive with six twin-tire wheels on one side of the hull.
Hanwha Defense Australia Secures $4 Billion Contract for AS21 …
2023年12月8日 · Hanwha Defense Australia has officially inked a monumental $4 billion contract with the Commonwealth for the delivery of 129 AS21 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). This groundbreaking program involves the complete Australian manufacturing of all 129 vehicles, with deliveries set to commence in 2027 and full fleet deployment expected by ...
Hanwha Defense AS21 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle
2020年2月26日 · Hanwha Defense have proposed a development of the K21 known as the AS21 Redback equipped with a 40mm caliber automatic cannon for the Australian Army's LAND 400 Phase 3 IFV competition.