AS9102B Form 1, line 19 question. Is a printed name and signature …
2023年2月18日 · I am auditing (AS9100D) our completed FAI reports; the forms I've sampled so far only have a signature in field 19. They didn't include a printed name or unique identification per the instructions called out in AS9102B. The signature is sloppy and I can't determine who approved the form.
AS9102C Implementation Requirement - Elsmar Cove Quality and …
2024年5月3日 · AS9102B said that their forms were not required, organizations could make their own document. Does your organization maintain your own forms? If the customer said 'give us a FAIR' and you have your own forms (modeled after AS9102B), then I would consider appealing the finding. I would bet a nickel the auditor has written that exact finding before.
AS9102B - 3.6 Design Characteristics and form 3 - The Elsmar Cove ...
2020年5月5日 · The instructions for AS9102B for item 3.6 Design Characteristics describes these as "dimensional, visual, function, mechanical and material features or properties ... as specified by drawing or other requirements."
AS9102B - Do I need a new FAIR? - Elsmar Cove Quality and …
2018年8月9日 · AS9102B - Do I need a new FAIR? Thread starter rsan238; Start date Aug 9, 2018; R. rsan238. Aug 9, 2018 ...
AS9102 FAI Change in Material / Process Supplier - The Elsmar …
2021年3月17日 · When completing an FAI to AS9102B standards, if a change occurs with a material supplier (example: steel) does this warrant a new FAI? Also, if there is a change in a special process supplier (example: plating), does this also mean a new FAI has to be completed?
AS9102 FAI (First Article Inspection) Form example - The Elsmar …
2007年3月16日 · Re: AS9102 FAI Form example I customized the form into an Excel workbook so that when inspectors enter measured dimensions (Tab 3), any dimensions that are out will be highlighed in red (a lot of typos will show up too).
AS9102B Detail Part/Assembly FAI Form 1 box 13; - The Elsmar …
2020年6月9日 · The AS9102 form has instructions below box 13 on Form 1: "a) If above part number is a detail part, go to field 19, b) if above part number is an assembly, fill out the INDEX" of part numbers below.
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Requirements - The Elsmar Cove …
2015年5月28日 · AS9102B (3.10: A planned, complete, independent, and documented inspection and verification...) Given that the standard states independent which department within an organisation should have ownership of FAIR? Currently, our organisation is defined at a top level as: Engineering Finance Operations Quality
AS9102 B (FAI - First Article Inspection) is Released - October 2014
2014年10月7日 · Thanks guys for your responses. The manufacturer indeed did a partial FAI, implemented corrective actions. up-issued the FAI report. updated the job router with the corrective actions included. Reworked the part and redelivered. NOTE: The new AS9102 B …
AS9102 - Assembly FAI for Use As Is or Repaired Parts - The …
2019年8月26日 · {AS9102B, Section 4.4, Nonconformance Handling, states that an FAI with design characteristic nonconformance(s) is "not complete". An FAI with noted nonconforming design characteristics may have Form 1, "Part Number Accountability", (see field 19) signed and shall be noted as "FAI Not Complete".