If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by answering the seven questions in the box below. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start.
- [PDF]
Participating in physical activity is very safe for MOST people. This questionnaire will tell you whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor OR a quali ed exercise professional before becoming more physically active. Please read the 7 questions below carefully and answer each one honestly: check YES or NO.
PRINT VERSIONS OF PAR-Q+ and Other Documents - ePARmed-X
This page contains the current CONSENSUS PANEL APPROVED AND OFFICIAL versions of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) and the ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Form. Please note that we do not …
《ACSM》美國運動醫學會 PAR-Q + (身體活動準備問卷) - 台南糖 …
《ACSM》美國運動醫學會的 PAR-Q + (身體活動準備問卷),主要是評估運動前的身體狀況,目的是篩選出運動風險較高的族群,進一步規劃安全的運動處方箋。 PAR-Q + 問卷,主要分成兩個部分:一般問題 (The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone)、進階問題 (follow-up questions about their medical conditions)。 作者: 葉峻榳醫師 (新陳代謝暨內分泌專科、ACSM 教練培訓師) 1.請問您的醫生有沒有告訴您,您有心臟病或高血壓?
Participating in physical activity is very safe for MOST people. This questionnaire will tell you whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor OR a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active.
PAR-Q或身体活动准备状态调查问卷是一种简单的自我筛查工具,可以并且应该由计划 开始锻炼计划 并 坚持下去 的任何人使用。 它通常由健身教练或教练用于根据其健康史以及目前的症状和风险因素来确定个体运动的安全性或可能的风险。 根据这些结果,它还可以帮助培训师为客户设计理想的 运动处方 。 PAR-Q由不列颠哥伦比亚省卫生部和运动多学科委员会创建。 此表格已直接从ACSM健康和健身设施标准和指南中采用。 尽管现在有各种各样的PAR-Q问卷和其他健康自 …
PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ - PubMed Central (PMC)
Using the PAR-Q+, clearance for physical activity participation is a straightforward process for a physician, exercise professional, or participant. The entire process takes approximately 5 minutes and can be completed in the waiting area of a physician’s office.
PAR-Q或身體活動準備狀態調查問卷是一種簡單的自我篩查工具,可以並且應該由計劃 開始鍛煉計劃 並 堅持下去 的任何人使用。 它通常由健身教練或教練用於根據其健康史以及目前的症狀和風險因素來確定個體運動的安全性或可能的風險。 根據這些結果,它還可以幫助培訓師為客戶設計理想的 運動處方 。 PAR-Q由不列顛哥倫比亞省衛生部和運動多學科委員會創建。 此表格已直接從ACSM健康和健身設施標準和指南中採用。 儘管現在有各種各樣的PAR-Q問捲和其他健康自 …
PAR-Q: The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
2024年5月22日 · The PAR-Q was created by the British Columbia Ministry of Health and the Multidisciplinary Board on Exercise and is endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). What Is the PAR-Q? The PAR-Q is a simple self-screening tool used by fitness trainers and coaches to determine the safety or possible risks of exercising based on your ...
Informed use of the PAR-Q: Reprinted from ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines, 1997 by American College of Sports Medicine NO to all questions Delay becoming much more active: If you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a fever – wait until you feel better; or
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