Abnormal Pap Smear Results: What Do They Mean? - Verywell …
2024年10月31日 · Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) is the most common abnormal finding from a Pap smear. It means that some of the cells from a Pap smear did not look entirely normal but did not meet the diagnostic criteria for a lesion (meaning an area of abnormal tissue).
HPV and Pap Test Results: Next Steps after an Abnormal Test
Pap test results: What normal, abnormal, and unsatisfactory screening test results mean; Follow-up tests and procedures after an abnormal Pap test (Pap smear) or HPV test; Treatment for high-grade cervical cell changes
Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance
2025年1月19日 · The long-standing diagnosis model has been cytology using the Papanicolaou smear (Pap test) and biopsy, with more recent advances including liquid-based cytology. Other methods of diagnosis include HPV DNA test and colposcopy.
Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Results - ACOG
ASC-US is the most common abnormal Pap test result. ASC-US stands for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. “Squamous” refers to the type of cells that make up the tissue that covers the cervix.
Pap Smears: When Yours Is Slightly Abnormal - AAFP
2003年6月1日 · The squamous cells of your cervix were slightly abnormal on your Pap smear. ASCUS may be caused by a vaginal infection or an infection with a virus called HPV (human papillomavirus, or wart...
ASCUS - Hopkins Medicine
Reflex testing of the Pap smear for the presence of high-risk HPV subtypes. Patients with high risk HPV undergo colposcopy. Patients without high risk HPV are followed closely.
What is the best approach for patients with ASCUS detected on ...
2019年11月5日 · DNA testing for human papillomavirus (HPV), especially if the sample can be obtained at the same time as the Papanicolaou (Pap) smear, can guide the management of women whose test result shows atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS).
ASC-US on a Pap smear of the cervix | MyPathologyReport.ca
What does ASC-US mean on a Pap smear of the cervix? ASC-US stands for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. It means that abnormal cells were found on the surface of your cervix when the Pap smear was performed.
ASCUS – Understanding Abnormal Pap Smear Results
2024年2月5日 · ASCUS or Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance is a term commonly used in pap smears and cervical cytology results to indicate the presence of abnormal cervical cells. In most cases, these cells are caused by …
What Does ASCUS Mean on a Pap Smear? | Understanding Your …
When discussing what does ASCUS mean on a Pap smear, it’s crucial to consider how HPV relates to cell abnormalities. Many cases of ASCUS are linked with transient HPV infections; however, persistent infections with high-risk strains can result in abnormal cell changes over time.