All asdf movie's 1-14 (in order) - YouTube
This is a playlist of all the official asdfmovie videos.
asdfmovie2 - YouTube
Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.comass-duff-moo-vee-too - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849...
Asdfmovie (Series) | Asdfmovie Wiki | Fandom
Asdfmovie (stylized as asdfmovie) is an adult animated sketch comedy web series and sitcom created by TomSka in 2008. The series revolves around a selection of short comedy skits. The first episode of the series was uploaded on August 10, 2008, and (as of 2024) received over 70 million views. The rating of the series may vary.
EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP (asdfmovie song) - YouTube
Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.comPlease don't break your face!Get the shirt (https://tomskashop.com/) Download the son...
Asdfmovie - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《asdfmovie》是由 Tomska 等人制作的一部动画,并有《Muffin Time》等衍生游戏。 《asdfmovie》动画由多个独立的短篇喜剧故事组成,没有主线,但其中部分故事有着相同的固定角色并互相关联。 《asdfmovie》动画也有以剧情为蓝本的 洗脑 歌曲。 故事大多偏 电波系,内容含有高浓度的脑洞、双关语和猝不及防的转折。 第一集动画在2008年8月10日上传至Youtube和NewGrounds,之后不定期更新。 下面仅记载了部分经常出现的角色,且不记录在纯歌曲中的 …
【双语/脑洞动画/17分钟】ASDF系列动画1-9合集 - 哔哩哔哩
Asdfmovie3 | Asdfmovie Wiki | Fandom
2010年12月30日 · Asdfmovie3 is the third video in the Asdfmovie series. It was uploaded to YouTube on December 30, 2010. The opening skit is "Check Out My New Dog" and the closing skit is a mix between "I Like Trains" and "Die Potato". Ooh Man: Hey, man. Look at my new dog. Ahh Man: Oh, yeah? That's pretty cool. (looks down) Awwww! There's no dog there!
asdf Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
Asdf are the first four letters from the left in the home row on a QWERTY keyboard, often used as filler text when typing or programming or to express high emotion as a “keysmash.
Asdfmovie Wiki - Fandom
2008年8月10日 · Be sure to check out the discussions boards while you're here!
asdfmovie - Know Your Meme
asdfmovie (pronounced "ass-duff") is an animated flash cartoon series directed and posted by YouTuber TomSka [1]. The videos typically consist of several short skits featuring various stick figure characters and occasional dialogues. Currently, the series consists of 5 episodes with a number of spin-offs and remixes.